Digital Media is Green Media -A Negatechnologic View of Physical Media By: Sundeep Gambhir Jackie Chavira Mark Dizon Annalisa Carrillo-Fulk
The Problem: CDs, DVDs, Video Games Discarded physical media, such as used CD’s and Video Games comprise a lot global e-waste. Because there is no way to completely recycle CD’s, millions end up in landfills and trash heaps. One possible solution is a switch from physical media to digital media. “The average U.S. consumer will spend 80 percent of his entertainment budget on buying or renting physical media (DVD, Blu-ray) and that only 0.5% of the average American's entertainment budget is spent on digital downloads (full downloads, streaming of movies or TV).” NPD Group
Possible Solution For: CDs, DVDs, Video Games Switch to digital media forms, such as downloading music and movies online. Encourage video game console manufacturers to provide hard drive based gaming and more downloadable content.
What Do We Do With Existing: CDs, DVDs, Video Games? “I put CD's on fence posts and around the chicken coop to deter hawks and other birds who would like a chicken dinner. The shiny reflection works like a distraction as they fly over. I put CD's on fence posts and hang them from trees to deter deer from the garden.” “I used a CD to make a switchplate for my daughter's room. It's really pretty and modern. I just traced her old switchplate on the cd to mark the switch and screw placement. Then I used a drill to make all the holes and cleaned up the switch hole with a dremel tool sander.” Take a strip of 2" x 4" lumber as tall as needed for the height of your garage. Mark the spaces on the wood and drill holes to attach the CDs with wood screws. Now it will be easy to see how far the back of the garage is so there won't be any fender benders. Sell Them!!!!! See if anyone shares your taste in music!
Problem: Print Media Solution: e-books Number of trees cut down annually for the production of books sold in the U.S. alone = 30 Million - With new alternatives to Print Media, such as e-books that consume and waste less paper, we want to consider the economic and environmental advantages of these technological advances.
Main Project Plan: The Website Our project is to make a website targeting younger people that communicates the disadvantages of CD’s and printed books and their contribution to waste. The website will contain relevant statistics and information that discuss the problem, as well some creative solutions and an interactive game. We chose to specifically target young people because we believe they are the future of sustainability.
Potential Website Add-ons Game demo Some other forms of visualizing the data we are researching. Showing how many cds would “fit” into a flash or hard drive, etc.
Assimilation In order to incorporate everyone’s skills, our workload will be distributed as follows: Everyone will do research in order to provide sufficient information to make the website effective and attractive to users as well as brainstorm ideas about innovative ways to recycle discarded disk. Sundeep: Analyzing the problem from an economic perspective, analyzing the cost benefits of digital media vs. physical media as well as help organize and advertise website. Jackie: Edit and Composing statistics and research into written information that is easy for the user to access and understand. Annalisa: composing a brief history of the CD for the website, focusing on existing alternative media that do not require the use of physical disks. Mark: Organizing and Editing Website and Interactive Applications.
Tentative Schedule Week 4-5: PowerPoint Presentation/More Research/Come up with Domain Name Week 6: Condense Information By Various Topics Week 8-9: Adding Information onto Website Week 9-10: Polish and Advertise Website/Present to Class