Cyflwyniad i Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth


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Presentation transcript:

Cyflwyniad i Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth An introduction to Equality and Diversity

Aims Introduction to Equality and Diversity Amcanion Cyflwyniad i Gydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth Pam Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth? Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 Polisïau GLlM Cefnogi Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth – eich rôl Cwis Cydraddoldeb Aims Introduction to Equality and Diversity Why Equality and Diversity? The Equality Act 2010 GLlM’s Policies Supporting Equality and Diversity – you role Equality Quiz

Beth yw Cydraddoldeb ac Amrwyiaeth? What is Equality and Diversity? Cydraddoldeb: wedi ei gysylltu gyda gwhardd rhagfarn anheg ac anghyfreithiol yn erbyn rhai grwpiau. Cydraddoldeb = cyflwr o fod yn hafal Equality: associated with the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination against particular groups. Equality = a state of being equal. Amrywiaeth: wedi ei seilio ar y cysyniad o adnabod, parchu a gwerthfawrogi gwahaniaeth. Diversity: based upon the concept of recognizing, respecting and valuing difference. Cydraddoldeb yn diogelu ni . . . /Equality protects us all… Amrywiaeth yn adlewyrchu ni . . ./Diversity reflects us all… 3

“Nid meddwl am gwahanol bethau yn debyg yw Cydraddoldeb, Cydraddoldeb yw meddwl am bethau gwahanol yn wahanol .” Tom Robbins American Novelist “Equality is not in regarding different things similarly, equality is in regarding different things differently.” Tom Robbins American Novelist

Pam fod angen Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth Pam fod angen Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth? Why do we need Equality and Diversity? Achos Gyfreithiol: Mae Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn rhoi hawliau ac yn amddiffyn pobl gan gynnwys myfyrwyr a staff mewn perthynas a gwahaniaethu (ymdrin yn llai ffafriol). Mae deddfwriaeth Hawliau Dynol yn rhoi hawliau sylfaenol a rhyddid i bob unigolyn wedi ei seilio ar urddas, cydraddoldeb a parch. Mae ganddo ni gyd hawliau a cyfrifoldebau mewn perthynas a’r deddf cydraddoldeb. Legal Case: The Equality Act 2010 provides protection and rights for people including students and staff in relation to discrimination (less favourable treatment), harassment and victimisation. Human rights legislation provides a set of fundamental rights and freedoms that all individuals are entitled to based on core principles including dignity, equality and respect. We all have rights and responsibilities in relation to the law on equality.

Gwella perfformiad a galluogi pobl i gyrraedd ei llawn botensial Pam fod angen Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth? Why do we need Equality and Diversity? Achos Cyffredinol: Gwneud y defnydd mwyaf o dalentau a dysgu o amrywiaeth eang o wybodaeth a profiad. Gwella perfformiad a galluogi pobl i gyrraedd ei llawn botensial Trin pawb yn deg Creu awyrgylch gynhwysol General Case: Making full use of people’s talents and learning from a wide range of knowledge and experience. Improving performance and enabling people to perform to their full potential. Treating people fairly Creating an inclusive environment

Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 – Equality Act 2010

Beth yw Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010? What is the Equality Act 2010? Mae Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 yn darparu hawliau ac amddiffyn mewn perthynas a’r “Nodweddion Gwarchodedig” canlynol: Oed Anabledd Ailbennu Rhywedd Priodas neu Bartneriaeth Sifil Beichiogrwydd neu Mamolaeth Hil Crefydd neu gred Rhyw (Rhywedd) Tueddfryd rhywiol The Equality Act 2010 provides rights and protections in relation to the following ‘Protected Characteristics’: Age Disability Gender Reassignment Marriage and Civil Partnership Pregnancy and Maternity Race Religion and Belief Sex (Gender) Sexual Orientation

Beth yw Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010? What is the Equality Act 2010? Mae angen i’r Grŵp cydymffurfio trwy Dyletswyddau “Cyffredinol” a “Sbesiffig” sydd yn golygu y canlynol: Dileu unrhyw rhagfarnu, cam drin ac unrhyw ymddygiad arall sydd yn cael ei wahardd gan y Ddeddf Hyrwyddo cyfleon cyfartal rhwng personau sydd gyda nodweddion gwarchodedig a rhai sydd heb ddim Paratoi Adroddiad Cydraddoldeb Monitro data ac adrodd yn flynyddol The Grŵp needs to conform through “General” and “Specific” duties which entails the following: Eliminate discrimination, harassment, victimisation and any other conduct prohibited by or under the Act Promote equality of opportunity between persons who share a protected characteristic and those who do not Prepare an Equality Report Monitor data on equality

Polisïau GLlM – GLlM’s Policies Ar y safle we – on the website Cliciwch yma – Click here

Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth – Beth yw eich rôl Cydraddoldeb ac Amrywiaeth – Beth yw eich rôl? Equality and Diversity – What is your role? General Case: Making full use of people’s talents and learning from a wide range of knowledge and experience. Improving performance and enabling people to perform to their full potential. Treating people fairly Creating an inclusive environment Beth yw eich rôl? Ystyriwch beth mae Cydraddoldeb yn ei olygu i chwi Ymdrin a phawb yn deg gyda parch a peidio rhagfarnu Gweithio gyda’r gilydd, rhannu cyfrifoldeb i weithredu Cydraddoldeb What is your role? Consider what equality means to you Treat everyone with fairness and respect and not to be judgemental Work together to share ownership and responsibility for implementing equality

Cwis Cydraddoldeb – Equality Quiz

Cwestiwn 1 “Cydraddoldeb” yw trin pawb yn hafal Cywir Anghywir Question 1 “Equality” is about treating everyone the same True False

Cwestiwn 1 “Cydraddoldeb” yw trin pawb yn hafal Cywir Anghywir Mae cydraddoldeb yn cyfeirio at yr angen i drin pawb yn ôl eu anghenion. Question 1 “Equality” is about treating everyone the same True False Equality is about treating everyone according to their specific needs and requirements

Cwestiwn 2 Sawl nodwedd gwarchodedig sydd yn rhan o’r Deddf Cydraddoldeb? 12 9 6 Question 2 How many protected characteristics are part of the Equality Act? 12 9 6

Cwestiwn 2 Sawl nodwedd gwarchodedig sydd yn rhan o’r Deddf Cydraddoldeb? 12 9 6 Fedrwch chi eu rhestru? Question 2 How many protected characteristics are part of the Equality Act? 12 9 6 Can you list them?

Cwestiwn 3 Pam fod y Grŵp yn cyhoeddi adroddiad Cydraddoldeb? Adroddiad i ddangos fod rhai grwpiau yn cael eu trin yn ffafriol Dogfen i gyd-fynd gyda anghenion Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 Dogfen sydd yn rhannu arfer dda a nid oes gwir ei angen Question 3 Why does the Grŵp publish an Equality report? A report to show that some groups are treated more fairly A document that is required under the Equality Act 2010 A document that shares good practice but is not really needed

Cwestiwn 3 Pam fod y Grŵp yn cyhoeddi adroddiad Cydraddoldeb? Adroddiad i ddangos fod rhai grwpiau yn cael eu trin yn ffafriol Dogfen i gyd-fynd gyda anghenion Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 Dogfen sydd yn rhannu arfer dda a nid oes gwir ei angen Question 3 Why does the Grŵp publish an Equality report? A report to show that some groups are treated more fairly A document that is required under the Equality Act 2010 A document that shares good practice but is not really needed

Cwestiwn 3 Pam fod y Grŵp yn cyhoeddi adroddiad Cydraddoldeb? Adroddiad i ddangos fod rhai grwpiau yn cael eu trin yn ffafriol Dogfen i gyd-fynd gyda anghenion Deddf Cydraddoldeb 2010 Dogfen sydd yn rhannu arfer dda a nid oes gwir ei angen Question 3 Why does the Grŵp publish an Equality report? A report to show that some groups are treated more fairly A document that is required under the Equality Act 2010 A document that shares good practice but is not really needed

Cwestiwn 4 Rhestrwch yr ieithoedd Question 4 Identify the languages

Dathlwch Amrywiaeth! Celebrate Diversity! Cliciwch yma – Click here Amrywiaeth: wedi ei seilio ar y cysyniad o adnabod, parchu a gwerthfawrogi gwahaniaeth. Diversity: based upon the concept of recognizing, respecting and valuing difference.