Board of County Commissioners Special Meeting May 1, 2012 9:00 A.M. School Board Administrative Complex
Objectives To Update and Inform To Prepare Problem Solving Strategies To Prepare for FY12-13 Budget
Medicaid Issues
Retrospective Billing Process
Retrospective Billing Process Encompasses billings from November 2001 through April 2012. Each county will be receiving an updated file of their claims through March 31, 2012 with the additional fields that were requested added. The Agency will notify each county their amount due for these retrospective billings on August 1. The Agency will certify the billings to the Department of Revenue on September 15, 2012.
Prospective Billing Process
Prospective Billing Process Beginning May 1, 2012 the law requires the Agency to certify by the 7th of each month. Section 12 of House Bill 5301 gives the Agency for Health Care Administration the ability to adopt rules for implementation. The Agency plans to promulgate a rule whereby monthly certifications are made for the month two months prior to the certification.
Prospective Billing Process The Agency is required to certify billings on May 7. In keeping with the 60-day cycle, on May 7, the Agency will be certifying $0.00 as March claims are captured in the retrospective billing process. Looking forward, on June 7, the Agency will certify the amount owed from April billings. Starting May 2, the counties will be able to view their April billings in the Medicaid county billing module.
Additional Information
Additional Information The Agency is currently coding our system with the revised implementation plan and plans to schedule webinar training with county billing staff the week of May 14. Counties who would like to pay for their billings can do so ahead of certification. All payments received by Finance and Accounting two days before the Agency certification date will be reduced from the total amount certified to the Department of Revenue for withholding of county revenue sharing.
Florida Retirement System
Code Enforcement
Veterans Service
Information Technology Department Expansion and Additions
Review of Equipment & Resources 280 network users 233 computer desktops 36 servers 21 perimeter network devices VOIP communications provided to 400+ users 9 interconnects to internet service providers 29 mobile data terminals 16 remote department maintained 2 staff (Network Specialist & Web Developer)
Being Short Staffed…. Increased end user wait times and reduced workflow. Increased overtime hours. Preventative maintenance to desktops, servers and printers do not get completed in a timely manner. Backup and Recovery quality assurance suffers. Necessary network upgrades and maintenance do not get completed in a timely manner. No testing prior to deploying new software. (New applications get rushed into production) Proper attention to Information security suffers.
Montgomery Building Renovations
Meeting Room
Department Reorganization
Unfunded Leave Liability
Lake Shore Hospital Access Road Project
Lake Shore Hospital 2011 Budget Impact Taxes (BCC Only) $ 79,845.10 City of Lake City CRA 39,665.00 40,180.10