‘Hi, I’m Jane. Meet my Classmates.’ We are all Different ‘Hi, I’m Jane. Meet my Classmates.’ ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Annie Appleby Hi, I am Annie. I have brown hair and brown eyes. My best friend is called Francesca Foster. I like to read books and I am learning how to play the piano. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Bethany Browne Hi, I am Bethany. I have blonde hair and brown eyes. My best friend is called Christopher Collins. I like to read Dr Who comics and I am learning how to swim. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Christopher Collins Hi, I am Christopher. I have brown hair and eyes. My best friend is called Bethany Browne. I like to play football and I collect Dr Who figures. I am 9 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Francesca Foster Hi, I am Francesca. I have brown hair and eyes. My best friend is called Annie Appleby. I like to dance and I have a twin sister called Kim. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Harry Hawkins Hi, my name is Harry. I have brown hair and eyes. My best friend is called Trevor Taylor. I like to play computer games and I am learning how to play rugby. I am 8 and a half years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Karl Kieran Hi, I am Karl. I have brown hair and eyes. My best friend is called Lucy Lawler. I like to read about volcanoes and I am learning how to play the drums. I am 9 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Lucy Lawler Hi, I’m Lucy. I have brown hair and eyes. My best friend is called Karl Kieran. I like music and history. I have a ginger cat called Sukey. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Mary Matthews Hi, I am Mary. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. My best friend is called Nancy Nolan. I like to skip at playtimes and I am learning how to play hopscotch. I am 9 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Nancy Nolan Hi, I am Nancy. I have blonde hair and green eyes. My best friend is called Mary Matthews but I also like Rachel Robbins. I like to play hopscotch and I am learning how to play chess. I am 9 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Penelope Poppins Hi, I am Penelope. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. I haven’t got a best friend, but I like to play with everyone. I like to sing and I am learning how to play the recorder. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Rachel Robbins Hi, my name is Rachel. I have blonde hair and green eyes. My best friend is called Nancy Nolan. She lives next door to me. I like to swim and I am learning ballet. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Susie Sanderson I’m Susie. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. My best friends are William Watson and Tom Tyldsley. I like to learn French and I am very good at football. I am 9 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Trevor Taylor Hi, I am Trevor. I have ginger hair and blue eyes. My best friends are Tom Tyldsley and Susie Sanderson. I like to play ball games and I am very good on the computer. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Tom Tyldsley Hi, I am Tom Tyldsley. I have brown hair and brown eyes. My best friends are Trevor Taylor and Susie Sanderson. I like computers and ball games. I am nearly 9 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
William Watson Hi, I am William. I have black hair and brown eyes. My best friend is called Wilf Williams and I also like Penelope Poppins. I like to play the recorder and I am fond of animals. I have two dogs. I am 8 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Wilf Williams Hi, I am Wilf. I have black hair and brown eyes. My best friend is William Watson. I have a fish called Angel and a dog called Rover. I like History and computers. I am 9 years old. ©Copyright 2012 www.mytreasuretrove.co.uk Images © Graphics Factory.com
Answer the questions about Jane’s Classmates How many children are there in Jane’s class? How many children are boys and how many are girls? How many children are 9 years old? Which child has a fish called Angel? 5. Who is best friends with Nancy Nolan? 6. How many children have green eyes? 7. Which children like computers? 8. Who likes to skip? Who lives next door to Rachel Robbins? Who is learning ballet? Write some more questions of your own Carry out a survey in your own class Find out about: Likes and dislikes Best friends Hair and eye colour Ages and birthday months Favourite sports Favourite subjects Favourite food