Technical Services Manager Ian Stevens Technical Services Manager
Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust Primarily Mental Health Trust for the County Includes Rampton High Secure Hospital Also two Medium Secure Units Recently taken over Community Teams – Integrated Healthcare
Approximately 10,000 staff Currently 7,700 System Users Around 5500 PC’s/Laptops Approximately 1000 of these within secure areas Single Point of Contact – IT Service Desk of 4 staff Health Informatics Service which is responsible for providing access to and presenting data as well as IT Services
Health Informatics Service and IT
Systems and Services Desktop PC’s – Normally Dell Laptops – Standard is Dell Latitude E Series Blackberry and PDA’s Printers – Standardised as HP for most printers and on Konica Minolta for Multi Function Devices Software – Trust standard is Windows XP for desktop Operating System and Microsoft Office 2003
Policies and Procedures Split into 19 Sections Available on the Trust Website Affect ALL staff of the Trust Range from Patient Care to Health and Safety
Some are particularly related to IT, some are particular to IT Staff. 9.01 GG/IC/02 3 Health Informatics Service (HIS) Technical Portfolio Policy 9.02 GG/IC/03 3 Health Informatics Service (HIS) IT Equipment Procurement Procedure 9.03 GG/IC/04 3 Health Informatics Service (HIS) Procurement Exemption Procedure
Information Governance is especially important in our Trust; the nature of our patients means that there may be significant media interest in some. We currently have 14 separate Policies in this area.
All organisations, of whatever size, tend to have an Acceptable Use Policy that centres around the use of ICT. This Policy will tend to be based on several pieces of legislation. After a short break we will discuss the Trust Policy in detail and see if we can identify why it exists and what constraints it puts on the way that we work.