The Big Bedtime Read
Aims of Tonight To let you know what the Big Bedtime Read is all about The advantages of being involved What is required from you as parents How it will operate And when it will begin
What is the Big Bedtime Read? The aim of the Midlothian Big Bedtime Read is that every Midlothian child under 5 will be read to by a significant adult at least 4 nights a week as part of their normal bedtime routine.
Advantages Research shows it helps brain development It improves children’s problem solving skills Supports bonding and attachment Improves bedtime routines Improves ability to concentrate Improves behaviour at nursery and at home
What you do? Collect a book pack at pick up or drop off Read to your child 4 or more nights a week Tell us how it went using the feedback sheet Mark off the packs you have read Be enthusiastic about reading!!!
How It Will Operate Packs will be available for pick up on a Tuesday They must be returned the following Monday or before Our P7 pupils will replenish the feedback forms
When it Starts Next Tuesday!! So let’s get reading!!
Big Bedtime Read
Any Questions?