Discussions on Heterogeneous Identification Service Group Name: ARC Source: Yuan Tao Meeting Date: TP#26, 2016-12-06 Agenda Item:
Objectives The concept and scope of “identifier” and “identification service” The justification of the proposed work item The use case depicts the heterogenous identification service is applied in industrial internet The possible improvements for oneM2M
Concept and Scope Object Identifier Identification service The identifier that identifies (and may be attached to) the physical entity. Identification service The key point of the identification service is to solve the problem on how to establish a mapping between the object identifiers, and find out the corresponding information in the oneM2M System according to the mapping relation. Consider to realize the compability with various IoT ID standards, so as to provide the heterogeneous identification service.
Justification The IoT ID is not globally unified, and the application scenarios become more complex. And the physical entities are the real-world things that become the essential and important part in IoT systems. In many industry applications, a device (oneM2M or non-oneM2M) connects the physical entity to the IoT system based on the the object identifier attached to the physical entity. The object identifiers can aid the device in monitoring, identification or management of physical entities. The device records the information of the physical entity, so it is required to establish the mapping relation between the physical entity’s object identifier and the device’s identifier to aid the retrieval of the information. In the present oneM2M system, establishment, maintenance and query of the mapping relation between the identifiers is not fully supported.
Use Case 1 In an industrial internet environment, a physical component (raw material, semi-finished product and finished-product ...) is given a unique identifier by some labeling technologies. Different processing stages may create separate oneM2M resources for the same component. The resources containing information about the physical component need to be discoverable through the unique identifier ofthe physical component
Possible improvements for oneM2M (1/2) 1. Establish, maintain (update and delete) and query the mapping between object identifiers, device identifiers to oneM2M resources. - No-registration and registration related Create: establish the mapping between the identifier of the physical entity and the identifier(address) of the related device - Update: in a mapping relation, the identfier of the physical entity is fixed, while the identifier of device may change, the update of the mapping relation is required. - Delete: when either of identifiers is invalid or nonexistent, the deletion of mapping relation is required. - Retrieve: A query with the parameter “identifier”, find out all the related identifers of devices, some modifications may be needed for the Discovery operation (e.g. Filter Criteria)
Possible improvements in oneM2M (2/2) 2. Storage (resource structure) of the mapping relation - the identifiers can be an attribute of the corresponding resource (e.g. <container>) - consider the cases that one device may record the information from many physical entities, and the information of the physical entity may be stored by many devices. 3. “Thing” of the Base ontology A physical object can be represented as a “Thing” in the oneM2M base ontology. It can be described as RDF in a <semanticDescriptor> resource. The object identifier allows to give the “Thing” an identity that can be discovered with semantic queries.
Use Case 2 The mapping relation is not stored by the platform, the identification resolution is implemented by the external identification resolution servers. M2M service platform needs to converts the object identifer to the domain name in a specific format before sending it to the external servers.
Possible improvements for oneM2M The difference between identification resolution in Internet and IoT: DNS: Domain Name -> IP address IoT ID Resolution: Object Identifier -> Domain Name -> IP address Example: 1. URI converter converts the binary code that reads from the RFID tag to normative EPCglobal URI format, such as urn:epc:id:sgtin:0614141.000024.400 2. ONS interpreter converts it to domain name, such as 000024.0614141.sgtin.id.onespec.com 3. send it to the ONS server, and aquire IP address。 IoT ID standards adopt the different specific resolution protocols, oneM2M platform needs to be able to resolve the heterogeneous identifiers, by providing the various resolvers of the identification resolution systems, and converting the identifier to the specific format of the domain name. The best way to do this is studying on the mainstream identification resolution protocols, and working out a domain name with a compatible format .
EPCglobal EPCglobal has its origins at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). The “Internet of Things” proposed by the Auto-ID Center. In 2003, the Auto-ID Center became EPCglobal. EPCglobal is a global standards organization committed to increasing supply chain effectiveness for the benefit of organizations and consumers across all industry sectors. EPCglobal is one of the biggest RFID global standard system. The amount of identifier registrations is 60 hundred millions. GS1 is responsible for the distribution of EPC, and ONS resolution system is operating by VeriSign.
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