BCRC –EGYPT: ROLE AND ACHIEVEMENT Side Event at the Conference of the Parties of the Basel, Rotterdam & Stockholm Conventions, 28 April – 10 May 2013, Geneva, Switzerland Prof. Mostafa H. Kamel Director, BCRC-Egypt kmostafa@sci.cu.edu.eg
AGENDA Quick Review BCRC-Egypt Objectives, Organization Structure, Core Functions, Activities, Outputs, Cooperation with Regional and International Organization. BCRC-Egypt Opportunities Framework for life cycle management Hazard Communication between 3 conventions What should we do together?
Quick Overview In 1995 Egypt was selected to host the Basel Convention Sub-Regional Centre (BCRC) “for Arabic-speaking countries in Africa, and in 2002, Decision VI/9 extended the geographic coverage to serve the other Arabic-speaking countries. Currently, BCRC-Egypt is serving the 22 Arab States in Africa and West Asia in addition to Iraq and Palestinian Authority. The Egyptian government instituted BCRC Egypt within one of the most outstanding academic and research institutions in the region; that is, the Cairo University. The Egyptian Ministry of state for Environmental Affairs (EMSEA) collaborated with the Cairo University in the physical establishment and operation of the centre.
Palestinian Authority BCRC-Egypt Bahrain البحرين Comoros جزر القمر Egypt مصر Algeria الجزائر Jordan الاردن Syria سوريا Kuwait الكويت Tunisia تونس UAE الامارات Iraq العراق Lebanon لبنان Yemen اليمن Qatar قطر Somalia الصومال Palestinian Authority السلطة الفلسطينية Djibouti جيبوتى Saudi Arabia السعودية Oman عمان Libya ليبيا Mauritania موريتانيا Sudan السودان Morocco المغرب
BCRC-Egypt's Objectives * Serve as a source of information and guidance for the region's countries in carrying out their obligations under the Basel Convention * Become an effective coordinating body for the region and regional sub-groups (e.g., the oil-producing Gulf States) * Serve as a tool for developing capacity in the region, including in the area of legislative, administrative and technical management of hazardous wastes
BCRC-Egypt “Organizational Structure” Steering Committee SCC (Governing Body) Directions Directions Recommendations Recommendations BCRC-Egypt SBC, COP OEWG Directions Exchange of Information and experiences Member Countries Focal Point, National Authorities, NGOs, other related conventions
Core functions of the Basel Convention Regional Centres 1. Training 3. Information 2.Technology Transfer 4. Awareness Raising 5. Consulting
BCRC-Egypt Activities 1. Sound management of HW, 2. The Basel Convention and its protocol on liability and compensation, 3. Landfills, inventory of HW, illegal traffic, liquid HWM, 4. E-waste assessment, and 5. Many other issues of HWM.
BCRC - OUTPUTS The activities included more than 17 training workshops and 15 pilot projects. BCRC-Egypt developed and published guidelines adapted for the region on: landfills, used oils, liquid HW, and on conducting national inventories for HW. BCRC-Egypt translated into Arabic, with Swiss funds, the Guidelines on used and end-of-life mobile phones prepared by the Mobile Phones Partnership Initiative (MPPI) of BC/UNEP. The Centre is regularly publishing a bi-annual newsletter promoting public awareness and exposing emerging HWM related issues.
Cooperation with regional and international institutes & organizations With RAC/CP, Barcelona PCBs component of the Strategic Partnership initiative funded by the GEF and other donors With UNEP/MAP , UNEP/ROWA, and CEDARE: combating illegal traffic of hazardous wastes in the Arab region. With the MPPI and the Swiss government for promoting sound management of end of life and used mobile phones (merely documents translation, reproduction and dissemination). With The League of the Arab States (LAS), Different Fields
Oppertunities Work with NGOs in small pilot projects Institutional support to SBC Focal Points Extend working with industry and the private sector. Further collaboration with regional organizations
Framework for Lifecycle Management Together the three conventions cover the key elements of the life cycle management of hazardous chemicals: BC can assist in managing disposal of unwanted stockpiles technical working group is developing guidelines on management of POPs wastes. SC sets out specific criteria for identifying new POPs that are to be incorporated into national assessment schemes – should lead to national regulatory action RC candidate chemicals are those that are banned or severely restricted or refused first time approval for health or environmental reasons
Hazard Communication between The Three Conventions All 3 have mechanisms for hazard communication Rotterdam Convention is a first line of defence against future POPs gives countries an early opportunity to consider alternatives PIC procedure should assist in avoiding an accumulation of unwanted stockpiles Stockholm Convention eliminate production and use of POPs chemicals restricts the import and export of POPs take measures for environmentally sound disposal of wastes and stockpiles reduce or eliminate unintentional releases of POPs (BAT/BEP guidelines) Basel Convention can assist in managing disposal of unwanted stockpiles technical working group is developing guidelines on management of POPs wastes
What should we Do Together? Share information and experience to insure awarness among relevant authorities Share resources and technology Share opportunities for assistance for implementation Cooperation between FP and regulators will assist in an integrated approach such as implementation More