Your assignment for the first quarter is to create a photo essay about something you choose to donate. Please follow the instruction below to complete your project. 1. Choose what you would like to donate and where you will make this donation. Here are some examples: a. Food (you can donate food to a soup kitchen) b. Time (you can volunteer at a nursing home or attend a charity event) c. Money (you can raise money for a cause – please see me if you choose this) d. Supplies (you can donate supplies to schools or soldiers overseas) 2. You must document your donation with 5 pictures. One picture must be the organization you are donating to and you may get this picture online. The other four must be pictures you take of this good deed. Look at the examples below for some ideas. Donate Food Picture #1 – the soup kitchen (you can get a picture online to take a picture) Picture #2 – you collecting food from friends and family Picture #3 – all of the food you collected Picture #4 – you packaging all the food up in the box to deliver Picture #5 – you delivering the food to the soup kitchen 3. Use this powerpoint to display your pictures and turn in your project. Explain each picture with a title on the top and a caption on the bottom. You can turn this powerpoint in on engrade, or you can print it. I will also have packets available if you would like to write your assignment and tape the pictures to the paper. Renart 2011