3.Great Eastern Medical School, Srikakulam, India, Serum FSH, LH and Prolactin levels in Benign and Malignant Breast Disorders in Libyan women. S. Shakila1, J. R. Peela1,A. R. Said1, H. Beloch2, S. Nang2, L. T. Peela3, A. M. Jarari4, S. O. Alsaeoti5, H. El Awamy4, F. Elshaari4, N. M. Jarari6, M. J. Kadeer4. 1.Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine,Quest International University Perak, Ipoh, Malaysia, 2.Department of Community Medicine,Faculty of Medicine,Quest International University Perak, Ipoh, Malaysia, 3.Great Eastern Medical School, Srikakulam, India, 4.Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine,University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya. 5.Department of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine,University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya. 6.Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine,University of Benghazi, Benghazi, Libya. 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TO DELETE THIS BOX CLICK ON THE RED BORDER AND PRESS THE DELETE KEY ON YOUR KEYBOARD. ©2013 Graphicsland Introduction Results Conclusion Benign and malignant breast disorders are common in Libyan women particularly among younger individuals when compared to the western counterparts. As per the Benghazi cancer registry, 26% of all the cancers among the Libyan women are breast cancers. The present study is to compare the serum levels of Follicular stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin in benign and malignant disorders of breast. FSH and LH were not significantly elevated in carcinoma breast (p= 0.136 & 0.619) when compared with controls. FSH and LH levels in patients with benign disorders also did not show significance when compared with controls (p=0.266 & 0.336). However, Serum prolactin was significantly elevated in patients with carcinoma breast when compared with controls (p=0.016) as well as with cases of fibroadenosis (p=0.017). Results are summarized table .1,2 and 3 The relationship between pituitary hormones and breast cancer risk is shown here by a significant raise in prolactin level and although the anterior pituitary is the major source of prolactin, the hormone is synthesized and secreted in many other tissues such as the human breast cancer cells as shown by many tissue culture studies and further follow-up studies are required. FSH LH PRL No of cases 10 Mean 22.41 25.73 860.83** Std. Error of Mean 15.72 10.25 518.61 Std. Deviation 41.60 29.00 1466.87 Materials and methods References A total of 12 cases of carcinoma of breast patients in the age group 30 – 55 years of age; 10 cases of fibroadenosis in the age group 18 to 50 years were selected from department of surgery, 7th October Hospital, Benghazi, Libya. Similarly 12 age matched controls free from both malignant and benign disorders of breast were included in this study. Venous blood samples were collected from all the patients and controls and estimation of serum follicular stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone and prolactin levels were estimated by using appropriate kits with Cobas E411 analyser. Statistical analysis was done using SPSS software using Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon tests. . Anim JT (1990) Breast cancer in Arab women: A review. Emirates Med J 8: 189-195. Elattar I (2005) Cancer in the Arab World: Magnitude of the Problem. UICC March 21-25. El Mistiri M, Verdecchia A, Rashid I, El Sahli N, El Mangush M, et al. (2007) Cancer incidence in eastern Libya: the first report from the Benghazi Cancer Registry, 2003. Int J Cancer 120: 392-397. Singh R, Al-Sudani OE (2001) Cancer mortality in Benghazi, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 1991-96. East Mediterr Health J 7: 255-273. Akhtar SS, Abu Bakr MA, Dawi SA, Huq IU (1993) Cancer in Libya--a retrospective study (1981-1985). Afr J Med Med Sci 22: 17-24. 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FSH: Follicular Stimulating hormone,LH: Luteinizing hormone and PRL: Prolactin ** Statistically significant ( p-Value < 0.05) FSH LH PRL No of cases 12 Mean 55.44 28.52 207.81 Std. Error of Mean 14.47 8.88 66.53 Std. Deviation 50.12 30.78 230.47 Table.2 Mean and standard values of Controls. FSH: Follicular Stimulating hormone,LH: Luteinizing hormone and PRL: Prolactin. FSH LH PRL No of cases 12 Mean 8.62 9.63 267.64 Std. Error of Mean 3.03 2.46 24.87 Std. Deviation 9.08 7.40 74.62 Table.3 Mean and standard deviation values of Fibroadenosis. FSH: Follicular Stimulating hormone,LH: Luteinizing hormone and PRL: Prolactin. .