External projects with other Research institutes Projects with External Supervisor Will have a academic QM Staff as 1st Supervisor Will follow the EXACT project process Will follow the project deadlines defined by the 1st Supervisor for each step (no late than other projects) The student must be back BUPT Main campus for final viva
How to do the external projects: 1st Semester on campus, 2nd Semester is abroad in external institution External supervisor is responsible for the project content while academic supervisor mainly take care of the project process All project submissions are approved by academic supervisor on QM+ but contents must be agreed by both supervisors Project report is marked by external supervisor but final mark will be agreed by both supervisors
Projects Call for Students: Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain: http://www.upv.es/index-en.html -> 15 Projects Titles are released by 5th July 2017 Application deadline by 24th September 2017 TECNUN, University of Navarra, Spain: http://www.tecnun.es/home 5 Projects Titles are released by 4th September 2017 Application deadline by 24th September 2017
Projects Call for Students: Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya (CTTC), Spain: http://www.cttc.es/ 4 Projects Titles are released by 4th September 2017 Application deadline by 24th September 2017 Tokyo University of Agriculture And Technology (TUAT), Japan: http://old-www.tuat.ac.jp/en/ 2 Projects
Aborad Time Scale and Cost Do the project in the external university from 29th January 2018 till 4th May 2018. (travelling over Chinese New Year holidays cannot be avoided.) There is no extra tuition fees required but living cost/travel insurance will be covered by the students themselves. It is around ERU 150~200/week but varying in different cities. QM has an scholarship programme for the external project. Top 10 External Final Year projects (based on the final project marks) will be awarded (GBP 1000).
How to Apply for the external projects: the students should have the academic performance of >=70 UK scale for the first 3 years Read Project Title Information Carefully, especially the requirements – Only ONE topic per applicant Send your application email and CV ONLY to the QM academic supervisor from your school email account, indicating the title you choose, your rank in year3 and attaching your marks for all 3 years (details in email ) External supervisor will make the final decision (interview might apply), NO contact with external supervisor before confirming the project
Main Campus San Sebastián
tecnun project 2016-2017 Chipless wireless sensor design Chipless wireless sensor reader design and characterization Visualization strategies for on‐board positioning system Mobility in IP networks and adaptable communications Telematics for monitoring patients with chronic respiratory problems
A FEW TIPS Visa Application Related Personal information, Invitation letter, Financial certificate, Insurance Bilbao Airport ( round trip: 4000 - 6000¥ ) bus/metro (1.7€/ 0.96€) 24 Accommodation cost (500€/per month) Total living cost: 180 - 230€ / per week Weather
Meticulous academic attitude Nice teachers Friendly students Beautiful campus Meticulous academic attitude This is UPV
2016-17 Projects No.1 This project is about audio reproduction using a set of amazing loudspeaker devices in UPV. The 3D sound effects can be generated by them to give the user better experience of virtual reality. No.2 This project is about the hardware sensors integration and webpage display. Different sensors were integrated on on arduino board to collect biometric data and environment data. Users can send control commands to interact with the sensors through the web page No.3 This project proposes the design, implementation and validation of different modules (echo, reverb, amplification, filtering, etc.) to be included in the “Soundcool”, a collaborative computer tool for the generation and combination of sounds and images in real time in order to stimulate creativity in people with intellectual disabilities. No.4 This project is about the wireless sensor network.
Food, Falles, Flamenco
Projects in CTTC
Can I travel around Europe? Contacts: 243817976@qq.com (TECNUN) zja00999@gmail.com (UPV) Can I attend external project as a student with postgraduate recommendation ? Can I travel around Europe? When should I prepare for the passport and visa? How much Euro(in cash) should I bring to Spain? Do people in Spain speak English? ……