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Presentation transcript:

“MEDITERRANEAN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE” Workshop on “MEDITERRANEAN SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE UNDER CLIMATE CHANGE” Synthesis of the Scoping Questionnaire for the establishment of national FAB research priorities for the future MED – EU research collaboration Nicola Lamaddalena and Chiara Morini Mediterranean Agronomic Institut of Bari - CIHEAM - IAMB Bari - Italy, 13-14 July 2009

OBJECTIVE OF THE SCOPING QUESTIONNAIRE The MIRA project team prepared a questionnaire that was submitted to the National Contact Points (NCP). Through this questionnaire, a number of relevant information were collected on the state of art of Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology (FAB) research in the Mediterranean Partner Countries. The main objective is to provide the FAB thematic workshop with a clear picture of the Med research priorities as related to the FP7 cooperation FAB theme research. For this reason, the questionnaire is based on the FP7 FAB taxonomy. The questionnaire was filled out by the National Contact Points or by a competent national institution. The collected inputs enable to validate the most important topics to be addressed.

Work Program 2009 of the 7th FP - Cooperation - Theme 2 Q1 – Level of priorities for each MPC related to Research Topics on FAB under the Work Program 2009 of the 7th FP - Cooperation - Theme 2 FAB Activity FAB area Level of priority High Moderate Limited Activity 2.1: Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environment Area 2.1.1 Enabling research Area 2.1.2 Increased sustainability of all production systems (agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture); plant health and crop protection Area 2.1.3 Optimised animal health, production and welfare across agriculture, fisheries and aquaculture Area 2.1.4 Socio-economic research and support to policies Activity 2.2 Fork to farm: Food (including seafood), health and well being Area 2.2.1 Consumers Area 2.2.2 Nutrition Area 2.2.3 Food processing Area 2.2.4 Food quality and safety Area 2.2.5 Environmental impacts and total food chain Area 2.2.6 European Research Area Area 2.2.7 Coordinated Call with India (Department of Biotechnology – DBT Activity 2.3 Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes Area 2.3.1 Novel sources of biomass and bioproducts Area 2.3.2 Marine and fresh-water biotechnology (blue biotechnology) Area 2.3.3 Industrial biotechnology: novel high added-value bio-products and bio-processes Area 2.3.4 Bio refinery Area 2.3.5 Environmental biotechnology Area 2.3.6 Emerging trends in biotechnology Area 2.3.7 Bio refinery joint call OTHER (please describe)

High = 3 Moderate = 2 Low = 1 AVERAGE = 2.9

High = 3 Moderate = 2 Low = 1 AVERAGE = 2.7

High = 3 Moderate = 2 Low = 1 AVERAGE = 2.5

High = 3 Moderate = 2 Low = 1 AVERAGE = 2.4 AVERAGE = 2.6 AVERAGE = 2.5

AVERAGE = 2.4 AVERAGE = 2.3 High = 3 Moderate = 2 Low = 1

Q 2 – THE MOST IMPORTANT RESEARCH FAB AREAS FOR EACH COUNTRY ALG EGY JOR LEB MOR PAL TUN Total Area 2.1.2 3 21 Area 2.2.4 1 2 7 Area 2.2.5 4 Area 2.2.3 Area 2.3.3 Area 2.3.5 Area 2.3.6 Area 2.1.3 Area 2.1.1 2.1.2 – Increase Sustainability of All Production Systems 2.2.4 – Food Quality and Safety

RESULTS OF THE QUESTION 4 ALG EGY JOR LEB MOR PAL TUN INA El-Harrach (Agronomic science and High education) INRAA (Agronomic research) INRF (Forestry research) INSA (Animal Health) Agricultural Research Center (ARC) National Research Center (NRC) National Water Research Center (NWRC) National Institute of Oceanography and Fisheries (NIOF) Desert Research Center (DRC) National centre for Agricultural research and extension (NCARE) Jordan Food and Drug Administration (JFDA) Colleges of agriculture at Jordan universities National Council for Scientific Research Lebanese Agriculture Research Institute (LARI) American University of Beirut (AUB) Agronomical and Veterinary Institute Hassan II National Institute of Agronomical Research Ecole Nationale d’Agriculture. Meknès National Institute of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants Ecole Nationale Forestière des Ingénieurs An-Najah.Nat.University Unversity of Hebron Al-Azhar University Gaza National Agriculture Research Center - Ministry of Agriculture National Institute of Agronomic Research (INRAT) Rural Water and Forestry Research Desertification and Drought Research Institute Fishery Research Institute and Fresh Water Technology

Q6 – Level of priorities for each MPC related to the outputs of the UPM

Research topics of common interest for future FAB Q7 - FUTURE KEY TOPICS Research topics of common interest for future FAB research and cooperation COUNTRY Activity 2.1 Activity 2.2 Activity 2.3 OTHER Area 2.1.1 Area 2.1.2 Area 2.2.1 Area 2.2.2 Area 2.2.4 Area 2.3.1 Area 2.3.5 ALG 3 2 1 - EGY Climate Change JOR LEB MOR PAL TUN 2.1.1 Enabling research; 2.1.2 Increase sustainability of production systems; 2.2.1. Consumers; 2.2.2 Nutrition; 2.2.4 Food quality and safety; 2.3.1 Novel sources of biomass and bioproducts; 2.3.5 Environmental biotechnology CLIMATE CHANGE