Working Group No. 5 Extension and Training Applications in Agriculture Dr. N. Suneja-Group Coordinator
Group Members Pankaj K Pathale Sonaram singh munda P Venkatechalapathy Himanshu K Mondal Pankaj K Pathale Sonaram singh munda P Venkatechalapathy K Hanumanthareoos Raj Narain Singh Rupeshkumar lohani G Bhasker Akshay Kumar Singh Sameena Mukhija Shailendra Saxena Mohandas K. Manoj Kabi V.P. Sharma
Availability of any Training Application in states- Group had representative from Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Gujarat, West Bengal, Kerala None of these states has any training application in place.
Do States see any advantage in a centralized Training Module? The centralized training module will help the states to: monitor all the training issues. (tracking Nomination & Participation in Training Programmes) Tracking training infrastructure. Training experts availability. Availability of institute wise training calendar This will also facilitate centralized monitoring of all the training programme (Institute wise, subject Wise, area wise, Period wise, participants Category wise) their feedback by DAC. Data-based decision making to undertake new or desired training programme / fine tune training content of existing progrmame.
Adoption of Central Application with Certain customization Bihar Jharkhand Kerala Karnataka Gujarat Tamilnadu West Bengal
State wise differentiation & Customization State Nodal Officer may nominate an agency/ Institute to coordinate with all stakeholders (Agril./Horti/AH/SAU etc.) and NIC for customization / implementation of Extension & Training information system for concern state. An advisory committee may be constituted at DAC/DOE level with representation from selected State Dept. of Agriculture, few farmers, ICAR, SAUs, SAMETIs, EEI and MANAGE to coordinate with NIC Team.
Inclusion of training institution at different level under training module All ICAR institutions (including KVKs) EEIs All SAMETI All SAUs ATMAs Central Agricultural Universities FTCs / DTCs RARS / HRS/ZRS SIRDs NABARD/ Banks/R-SETIs / ICMs ETCs Others allied sector universities (Horti. / AH/Fisheries etc.)
Capturing feedback of participants at different level and creating the database Session wise/ resource person wise feedback to be captured. Feedback / suggestions on Training Methodology Feedback on Field visit/ Logistics. Feedback on the content covered. Suggestive Topic to be included in future training. Feedback on training materials Suggestions from participants on adoption / use of information / knowledge/ skills gained from training. All off-campus/ on-field trainings may upload the training feedback, within 2 days.
Development of software on lines of Digital Green to be used with Pico Projectors Good quality short films(like KV-2014 films)/ Expert Systems / Crop Doctors to be captured and loaded on the hand held devices of all extension workers on the subjects related to their area on the lines of digital green. Good ITKs / GAPs/ Innovations/ Success stories may be captured by extension functionaries, for documentation & display at other similar locations Extension workers may display these films with pico-projectors in the villages.
Integration of Training applications with FCMS & Extension Information System The manpower of schemes viz. NHM/NFSM/RKVY/ Extension Reforms to be consolidated & allotted responsibilities for specific villages along with their geo- coordinates. Each extension functionaries to be mapped up to Village level & his /her movement details & activities to be captured through GPS. All field functionaries to be provided hand held devices/ Pico Projectors to update their activities/ information collected at the village level online/ offline. All functionaries to capture farmers details, requirements, crops, area visited, feedback and upload. Extension functionaries may also collect information on innovation, success stories along with geo-tags and photographs. The extension functionaries must carry the basic information of the area along with POP and good films on the major crops/ success stories and information on all Govt. Schemes (Central/ States) along with entitlement.
Content for the Display Board in each village. Name & Contact details of All District / Block/ villages level functionaries starting from farmers friend/Krishak Mitra. Movement scheduled of Extension Functionaries. New features of Farmers Portal/ KCC for Farming community. Name & contact nos. of SAU/KVK scientist. Any major extension event( Field day, Joint Visit, VBT/ Meeting of CIGs/FPOs) Next date / Subject of farm school. Contingency alerts.
Any Other General Suggestion for Improvement Nomination system may be included as part of the software. Enrollment of Experts/ resource persons (including retired Officers/ Scientists) Online Application and acceptance Registration for getting Training Schedule details on Mobile/e-mail Thanks..