HEI Location Region Movement Place 5 Themes Of Geography -Tamil Nadu, India By: Adithiya Kumaran Place Famous for its intricately carved temples and rock-cut caves, Mahabalipuram is temple carved out of only 1 rock. The most common language that they speak is Tamil. On the east part of Tamil Nadu is a big ocean called the Indian Ocean. India is the home to the tallest mountain above sea level, Mount Everest. They eat mainly rice, dosa, idli, burrota, and pourie. Over 90% of India is educated. Some states have 100% of literacy rate like Kerala. HEI In Tamil Nadu, the shops are filled with fruits and vegetables. They use bricks to construct houses. The weather is tropical. Most of the year is hot, so people wear cotton dresses. When there is a change in weather, people move out of that place. Location Relative: India is located to the North of the Indian Ocean. It is also located to the South East of Pakistan. Absolute: Tamil Nadu is located 13° Latitude/80° Longitude. I like my place because of all the unique buildings and cultures India has. I studied in India for some of my life and then moved to America. Region Hinduism, Islam and Janism are common religions in India. The largest mountain range in India is the Himalayas. The major areas (regions) are divided into Mountains, Desserts, Costal, and Islands. My favorite place is the Golden Temple. It is a temple fully made of gold. Movement In Tamil Nadu, people travel by bus, train, bike, or walk. Very few people in India ride cars, ships, or airplane. India is not like most countries where they speak one language. In Tamil Nadu, most of the people speak Tamil, which is a local language of India.