Getting to know you in Chinese
Ni jiao shen me ming zi? What is your name?
wo jiao… My name is…
Hen gao xing jian dao ni Pleased to meet you.
Ni ji sui? How old are you?
Wo … sui I am … years old.
Ni cong na lai? Where are you from?
Wo cong xin ze xi lai I am from NJ
Wo cong mei guo lai I am from the USA
Ni hao ma? How are you?
hao fine/well
Hen hao Very well
Bu hao Bad
Ni ne? And you?
GETTING TO KNOW YOU IN CHINESE What is your name? Ni jiao shen me ming zi? My name is … Wo jiao Pleased to meet you. Hen gao xing jian dao ni How old are you? Ni ji sui I am .. years old. Wo …sui Where are you from? Ni cong na lai I am from NJ. Wo cong xin ze xi lai. I am from the USA. Wo cong mei guo lai. How are you? Ni hao ma? Fine/well Hao Very well Hen hao Bad Bu hao And you? Ni ne?