Final exams 2017
Paper work “Your Exams 2015” Exam timetable “Exam? Ask Sam” Read this carefully! Fill in the card at the back and take into school on exam days. This is the only piece of paper you can take in with you. Exam timetable Check and double check your personalised timetable. See Mr Ross ASAP if you have any issues. AAR pupils speak to Mrs Blair or Mr Ross if there are any timetable questions. “Exam? Ask Sam” FAQs Getting your results
Check your timetable The biggest change this year is that the Hall will be out of use due to building work in the Swimming Pool. Mezz1, Mezz2 and Mezz3 will also be out of use. We will be using the Craig MacLean Centre Sports Hall instead.
Check your timetable In a few exams the Start and Finish times have been altered by 10mins or so from the Main timetable produced by SQA. This is shown in a different colour and in Bold on the Corridor Display. See Mr Ross ASAP if you have any questions about your timetable!
Check your timetable Languages exams have a “Reading and Writing” paper. Unfortunately, the exam system creates a slot for a “Reading” and a “Writing” paper which can’t be removed. The exam has been scheduled in the “Reading” time slot and “Writing” has been left blank. You’ll get this message but don’t panic.
Alternative Assessment Arrangements Some people get extra time. Please compare this against the Master Timetable in the Corridor. If you think you’ve not been given the correct time allocation, please see Mr Ross or Mrs Blair ASAP. If you have use of a computer in the exams and have not been put in the Library, see Mr Ross ASAP.
Communication during Home Study Call Mr Ross, Mrs McGonigal or Mr Magowan if there are any problems. We will use the noticeboard in the corridor, the school web site and Facebook to keep you up to date. Check these regularly.
Exam day Meet in the Craig MacLean Centre’s reception. If you have Alternative Arrangements, you can head off from there. Wear School Uniform. It’s about mindset. Get there early You need to be registered, sitting in your seat and ready to go when the official exam time starts. We can’t easily adjust times by a few minutes like the prelim. Invigilators Are there to help as well as monitor. If you’re unwell, need the toilet, etc. let them know ASAP. They are in charge once you step into the exam room. Use blue or black ink (some exams require HB pencils).
Where is my exam?
What if? I’m late… I’m unwell before the exam… Report to the office. You can be let into the exam (provided no one has left by this time) You will not get any extra time to catch up on what you missed I’m unwell before the exam… Call the school ASAP I’m unwell during the exam… Let the invigilator know ASAP I need the toilet… Go before Ask the invigilator if you’re bursting I finish early… It is at the invigilators discretion whether you are allowed out early. Wait quietly and patiently if you are not allowed out early – don’t disrupt your class mates!
What if? There’s a fire alarm. Stay quietly in the room until instructed. If and when instructed, draw a line under your work and follow the instructor out of the exam room. Exam candidates congregate on sports field next to the STEM building DO NOT talk to anyone, DO NOT text, etc. The exam rules apply here in the same way they do in the exam room.
DOs and DON’Ts Read “Your Exams 2017” carefully Look at the large poster on the noticeboard outside the Assembly Hall
Moving around the building Think about noise levels around the exam rooms when entering and leaving. When yellow exam signs are up you can’t enter an area.
Getting to and from school Thursday 4 May is an In-service Day. Nat 5 Music and Higher Latin are scheduled to start at 09:00. Service busses will be running Everyone who takes the smaller busses in has made alternative arrangements to the best of my knowledge. Exam start times have been moved to 09:10 “just in case” The Canteen will be closed! Bring snack/lunch!!
Getting to and from school Friday 5/5/17 = Nat 5 Maths finishes at 15:50 Friday 26/5/17 = Nat 5 Geography finishes at 14:45 The 16:00 Service busses will take most pupils home. I have spoken to everyone who takes smaller busses and they are okay for getting home/to family after the exams
Exceptional Circumstances If you are ill or something major happens on the day of an exam let us know ASAP! You have options: Sit the exam and try your best. Don’t sit it which will require a Doctor’s medical line. A note from Mum is not enough! The school will send away other evidence of your work to bolster what you did in the exam or to show what you can do if you didn’t sit it. It is better to try than not turn up.
PRS and RPA Post Results Service Recognising Positive Achievement This is the new version of “Appeals”. We’ll issue more on it after Easter. If the school feels your result is clearly not what was expected and we think your marker may have made a mistake, we can ask SQA to remark it. Recognising Positive Achievement If things go wrong in your Nat 5, we can alter things to get you a Nat 4 overall Award. This is the last year of RPA.
School website There’s a lot in this powerpoint. I’ve put it on the school website to make it easier to remember it.
You CAN do it!