The 2012 SPDG Cohort Jennifer Coffey, Ph.D. SPDG Program Lead Audrey Desjarlais Signetwork Lead Leslie Crysler Signetwork Staff October 15, 2012
Webinar Ground Rules Roll Call Mute your phones: Enter Name, State, and role in chat pod Mute your phones: To Mute or Un-Mute Press *6 Please do not put your phones on ‘Hold’ Q & A Process (audio/chat): Ask questions in two ways – 1) via phone or 2) type in chat pod Archive Recording, PPT, & Materials: Participant Engagement: Polls & Slides ACTION
Today’s Agenda JENNIFER Welcome and Introductions AUDREY Opportunities to Learn and Share (face2 face/virtual) Information Dissemination and Contact Directory Website Technology Initiative SPDG Director Mentoring New Implementation TA Invoicing SPDG Requirements Resources Project Management Logic Models & Performance Measures Evaluation Plans STATE TEAMS Project Sharing
Welcome & Introductions SPDG Project Officers SPDG Project Directors and other personnel Signetwork Staff
Opportunities to Learn and Share “Tell me and I'll forget. Show me, and I may not remember. Involve me, and I'll understand.” ~Native American Saying
Ways to Learn and Share Face2Face National or Regional Meetings Occurs Annually in March. 2013: March 5-6, DC OSEP Project Director’s Conference Occurs Annually in July. 2013: July 15-17, DC Virtual Directors’ Webinars (1st Thurs, Sep-Jun) Evaluator’ Webinars (bi-monthly) Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Website Events Calendar Resource Library
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) PURPOSE To provide an opportunity for states to connect with one another and share best practices, tools and resources on topics of interest.
Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) Who make up the members How often they meet How are sessions format
PLC Topics Behavior/School Climate Coaching Grant Management Implementation and Scaling Up Conversations Leadership Development, IHE Collaboration, Capacity Building and Restructuring Low Incidence Affinity Group Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-Tiered Models of Intervention Technology
Register to join PLCs ACTION 1. Go to: _required 2. Enter password: sig 3. Complete all the registration fields 4. Select PLC groups to join 5. Leslie to email confirmation
Communication & Info Dissemination Directors and Evaluators Listservs Directors & Evaluators Webinars and National Meetings Annual Grant Performance Reporting SPDG Competition Other PD events Job Postings Funding Opportunities 8 PLC Topics Outlook Meeting Invites Use membership emails
Contact Directory ACTION 1. Review Contact Directory File found at: 2. Send personnel updates to Leslie Crysler
EVENTS CALENDAR New Events Calendar is Live – Details on all our PD events – PLC sessions, Implementation Conversations, Directors’ Webinars, Evaluators’ Events, Reporting Guidance and Bidders’ Webinars!
Resource LIbrary Resource Library is LIVE! Includes links, materials, resources, and information from SPDG grantees and National OSEP funded TA&D Centers.
SPDG Program Technology Initiative
6 Purposes SPDG projects are interested in applying emerging technologies Develop online training modules Evaluate activities and programs (includes conduct needs assessment) Setup online habitats for collaboration/communication Provide TA, consultation, coaching, and mentoring Manage data (including collection, analysis, reporting) Disseminate Information (Knowledge Management)
Technologies to learn more about: Resource/information repositories Video conferencing Media sharing sites Mobile device technologies Blogs Social Networking Vidcast Threaded discussions Vlogs Video Text-based live chat Learning Management Systems Web conferencing Online meetings spaces Podcasts Collaborative Document Editing Learning Modules Multiuser Virtual Learning Environment (Second Life) Online surveys Project Management Rapid e-learning modules Wikis
2011 Technology Initiative Steps Toward Purpose Host and facilitate Technology PLC Schedule tech-focused presentations at Face2Face events Host just-in-time application trainings Disseminate annual survey (October 2012 and 2013) to assess progress Lack of knowledge (individual, staff) Lack of time (to investigate learn, and practice) Lack IT support Lack the infrastructure (at all levels: state, district, school) Lack funding Accessibility issues: security/firewalls, internet connection speed Rigorous approval process Things change too quickly
Tech Initiative Expected Outcomes By September 2012, 50% SPDG project Directors, Coordinators, Evaluators will have received training in technology through the SPDG Program. By September 2013, 75% of SPDG project Directors, Coordinators, Evaluators will have received training in a technology through the SPDG program. By September 2012, 30% tested, adopted, or implemented an emerging technology presented on one of the technology PD events. By September 2013, 50% tested, adopted, or implemented an emerging technology presented on one of the technology PD events. By September 2011, the Tech Focus Workgroup will have used feedback from the new technology users to improve the SIGNetwork’s use of technology. Lack of knowledge (individual, staff) Lack of time (to investigate learn, and practice) Lack IT support Lack the infrastructure (at all levels: state, district, school) Lack funding Accessibility issues: security/firewalls, internet connection speed Rigorous approval process Things change too quickly
SPDG Director Mentoring Who can participate Directors/coordinators in position less than 6 months Who are the mentors Directors/Coordinators for 3 or more years Support provided Reporting, grant writing, communications with Project Officer Personnel/Staffing, selection, relationship building Budget Development and Tracking Info Dissemination, public reporting
SPDG Director Mentoring ACTION Contact Jennifer or Audrey by Oct. 19 to sign-up as mentor/mentee NEXT STEPS… Determine mentor/mentee pairs by demographics and initiative Email the group by October 31
New Implementation TA Audrey to participate in SISEP’s pilot Implementation Core Team Training, joining TA providers from the Regional Resource Center Program Two face-to-face training sessions Follow-up: Assigned SISEP / Implementation Coach Provide virtual support to SPDG projects in implementing EBP initiatives More detail to be provided in November regarding project selection and process
Implementation TA Action In the chat area add suggestions.. types of assistance Audrey could provide ways to structure the process equitably
Annual Signetwork Subscription Requirement in the SPDG Application 2013 invoices to be emailed to Project Director/Coordinator in mid-December Upon receipt of invoice please indicate when you expect to pay
SPDG Requirements Resources Project Management Logic Models & Performance Measures Evaluation Plans
SPDG Requirements Must contract with a PTI or a CPRC Must contract with an IHE & an LEA Must spend 90% of your budget on professional development Your main purpose must be to serve individuals with disabilities Must attend the OSEP Project Directors’ Meeting Must give $4,000 to Signetwork
SPDG Requirements cont. If you responded to the competitive preference priority, you must meet the requirements of that priority
PTI/CPRC Must contract or subgrant with a PTI or a CPRC Mandatory Recommended that Use good contracting practices Communicate regularly and ensure all understand expectations Track progress with implementation and outcome data – working together toward at least 1 of your SPDG’s objectives When applying for a new SPDG, meet with your PTI/CPRC (or both) to discuss the work you might do together
Highlights from the PTI/CPRC Poll Results It provides us with an avenue for receiving parent input; disseminating information, resources and training to parents; and increasing parent involvement in their child's education. We value the insights our Parent Center provides and use their feedback to adjust practices so that parents are more engaged in their children's education. They provide a perspective we wouldn't otherwise have. They, also, are a tremendous asset to the project through their development of parent materials and professional development. The professional development they provide for parents is the bridge between parents and the work within the project.
One of the greatest strengths is the desire, of both organizations, to provide family members with high quality, meaningful professional development to strengthen their ability to advocate, not only for their own children, but for all children. The collaboration is built on mutual respect and the shared vision of building meaningful family involvement in the schools and districts in our state.
The relationship in the past has been strained, but through our conversations with the new SPDG proposal, we have turned a corner and I am hopeful we can have a true partnership going forward. Our PTI is well connected with families across the state, they work well with our office and are willing to participate to help improve achievement for SWD. The PTI has recently been more involved and has brought in a national parent engagement expert. We are working to build from this Epstein work and bring those components of parent engagement into our SDPG work.
Challenges for these partnerships Didn't fund them at the same level as other partners so PTI is not able to be at the table for all conversations. Overcoming entrenched idea by school districts that family engagement is an add on after they have perfected their process - okay to involve families in development Regarding collaboration, there are not many challenges as our PTI is very responsive and collaborative. It's getting the work done and the systems in place that sometimes delay other activities to occur or move forward.
Challenges cont. Keeping collaborative efforts aligned with the multiplicity of educational initiatives in the state; occasional conflict on perspectives of how grant funds and activities are to be carried out and perceptions of how the other PTI activity is aligned with grant objectives. We need to schedule more time for face to face collaboration, and plan to do so in the future. Matching grant needs with expertise in the PTI/CPRC
Ideas to Improve the Partnerships SIGnetwork- perhaps build some networking/PD sessions that the SPDG and PTIs are required to attend/participate in together. The requirement of the SPDG for the SEA to partner with the PTI is a topic that needs to be addressed. The feeling that I have gotten when it is raised is that regardless of the PTI's position, it is the SEA's responsibility to make the relationship work….
More ideas Continue to share ideas about examples of collaborative efforts. Clarify role of PTI. Emphasize cooperation, communication, collaboration with both SEA and LEAs. Deemphasize advocacy/adversarial role. Perhaps some joint webinars regarding what other SPDG projects are doing around parent and family collaboration would be helpful.
SPDG Program – OSEP Policies No-cost extensions Personnel changes Continuation Reports Carrying out the activities in your application
Resources What organizations support your work? Federal Resources Federal Resources
Project Management: Resources ED Grants Management Training and Resources Website This training provides instruction and resources for Project Directors of ED discretionary grants. The purpose of this training is to provide an overview of the major responsibilities grantees have when undertaking a project funded by ED. ED, Office of Chief Financial Officer Website. Resources and online guides to support the administration and performance of ED grants.
Other Grants Mgt Resources G5: G5 gives Project Directors the ability to submit administrative changes to their grants. The following changes are available: DUNS/SSN, address, key personnel, Project Director name and address, dates (no-cost time extensions), certifying representative, and others. For answers to G5 questions:!ut/p/c1/dYvBDoIwEAW_hS_YbSkVjjVCuyqtoq2GC- nBGIKCB-P3K3p23nHeQAufjfHVX- Ozn8Z4gzO0stuvdSBVIGprFXITahFqxhE5nOZCdkXlG5duDt5muwwJHS2OJNL58fXWc V8JYiyXJUMujVhuA6FepT- Pf1AI1kz3CzyGoclVkrwBzewtjA!!/dl2/d1/L2dJQSEvUUt3QS9ZQnB3LzZfNUkxVVEzS1N VRjdKRDBJQUowVjc4ODEwMDc!/
More Grants Mgt Resources EDGAR – Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) Federal guidelines that provide rules regarding grant management. Example sections include: Change in key personnel (see EDGAR § 74.25 and 80.30); Part 75 of EDGAR, and specifically permit grantees to: extend grants automatically at the end of a project period for a period of up to one year, make transfers of funds among budget categories without prior approval, except for a limited number of specified cases, and carry funds over from one budget period to the next. OMB Circular A-21 - This circular only applies to educational institutions and offers cost principles for educational institutions. This Circular establishes principles for determining costs applicable to grants, contracts, and other agreements with educational institutions
Logic Modeling & Performance Measures Take the Logic Modeling and Performance Measure Training The Center for Evaluation and Education Policy (CEEP) at Indiana University has created two Voice-over PowerPoint presentations for OSEP: (1) How to create and use logic models, and (2) How to create high quality objectives and performance measures. •For training on modules, see -
2011 Professional development series Go to the Home Page to link each webinar segment:
SPDG Program Measures Program Measure 1: Projects use evidence-based professional development practices to support the attainment of identified competencies. Program Measure 2: Participants in SPDG professional development demonstrate improvement in implementation of SPDG-supported practices over time.
Program Measure 3: Projects use SPDG professional development funds to provide follow-up activities designed to sustain the use of SPDG-supported practices. (Efficiency Measure) Program Measure 4: Highly qualified special education teachers that have participated in SPDG supported special education teacher retention activities remain as special education teachers two years after their initial participation in these activities.
Continuation Reporting Please view the Webinar for each program measure You will need to use these new program measures for your new grant For more information on the program measures please go to: On that page you’ll find Oklahoma’s continuation report A good example of reporting on program measures in a year 1 report You will also find an example or template I created for you
Project Sharing Please type 2-3 sentences in the chat box that describe your initiatives. Please respond to the polls: (1) Initiatives that apply to your work (2) Target audiences for your initiatives (high school, elem, EC, Sec Tran). Please provide feedback about what you want to cover on the remaining Program Measure/Directors’ Webinar calls.
Initiative Matrix ACTION 1. Please review SPDG initiative matrix 2. Send updates to Leslie Crysler