Lipid Digestion & Transport Digestion & transport of lipids poses unique problems relating to the insolubility of lipids in water. Lipids, & products of their digestion, must be transported through aqueous compartments within the cell as well as in the blood & tissue spaces. Free fatty acids are transported in the blood bound to albumin
Within intestinal cells (and other body cells) some of the absorbed cholesterol is esterified to fatty acids, forming cholesteryl esters. The enzyme that catalyzes cholesterol esterification is ACAT (Acyl CoA: Cholesterol Acyl Transferase). Intestinal epithelial cells synthesize triacylglycerols, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids, free cholesterol, and apoproteins, and package them into chylomicrons.
Chylomicron assembly Fatty acids, 2-MAG lumen ATP ADP intestinal Triacylglycerol Apolipoproteins Chylomicrons lumen intestinal epithelium lymphatics Cholesterol
Chylomicrons - Lipoprotein + lipids TG PL Chol ~85% ~9% ~4% released into lymph/blood ~ 50 : 50 ApoC-II activates lipoprotein lipase in capillaries Tissues remove FFA, PL Liver picks up chylomicron remnants
Formation of lipoproteins: Intestinal epithelial cells synthesize triacylglycerols, cholesteryl esters, phospholipids, free cholesterol, and apoproteins, and package them into chylomicrons. Chylomicrons are secreted by intestinal epithelial cells, and transported via the lymphatic system to the blood.
Chylomicron Metabolism
Formation of Chylomicrons : Chylomicrons are secreted by intestinal epithelial cells, and transported via the lymphatic system to the blood. Apoprotein CII on the chylomicron surface activates Lipoprotein Lipase, an enzyme attached to the luminal surface of small blood vessels. Lipoprotein Lipase catalyzes hydrolytic cleavage of fatty acids from triacylglycerols of chylomicrons. Released fatty acids & monoacylglycerols are picked up by body cells for use as energy sources. With removal of triacylglycerols and some proteins, the % weight that is cholesteryl esters increases.
As triacylglycerols are removed by hydrolysis, chylomicrons shrink in size, becoming chylomicron remnants with lipid cores having a relatively high concentration of cholesteryl esters. Chylomicron remnants are taken up by liver cells, via receptor-mediated endocytosis (to be discussed later). The process involves recognition of apoprotein E of the chylomicron remnant by receptors on the liver cell surface.
Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1 Chylomicrons Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1
FIGURE 21-2 (part 2) Addition of two carbons to a growing fatty acyl chain: a four-step sequence. Each malonyl group and acetyl (or longer acyl) group is activated by a thioester that links it to fatty acid synthase, a multienzyme system described later in the text. 1 Condensation of an activated acyl group (an acetyl group from acetyl-CoA is the first acyl group) and two carbons derived from malonyl-CoA, with elimination of CO2 from the malonyl group, extends the acyl chain by two carbons. The mechanism of the first step of this reaction is given to illustrate the role of decarboxylation in facilitating condensation. The β-keto product of this condensation is then reduced in three more steps nearly identical to the reactions of β oxidation, but in the reverse sequence: 2 the β-keto group is reduced to an alcohol, 3 elimination of H2O creates a double bond, and 4 the double bond is reduced to form the corresponding saturated fatty acyl group. 14
Questions What are the lipids carried by CM? Where is CM formed? What is the source for lipids in CM? How does the CM release FFA? What is the fate of the FFA and Glycerol? Where is the LPL found? What are the components of Remnant CM?
As VLDL particles are transported in the bloodstream, . Liver cells produce, and secrete into the blood, very low density lipoprotein (VLDL). The VLDL core has a relatively high triacylglycerol content. VLDL has several apoproteins, including apoB-100. As VLDL particles are transported in the bloodstream,
Lipoprotein Lipase, is attached to the lumenal surface of small blood vessels. It catalyzes hydrolytic cleavage of fatty acids from triacylglycerols of chylomicrons. Released fatty acids & monoacylglycerols are picked up by body cells for use as energy sources. With removal of triacylglycerols and some proteins, the % weight that is cholesteryl esters increases. VLDL are converted to IDL, and eventually to LDL. VLDL IDL LDL
VLDL Assembly
Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1 VLDL Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1
Control of VLDL production: VLDL assembly is dependent on availability of lipids. Transcription of genes for enzymes that catalyze lipid synthesis is controlled by SREBP. Availability of apoprotein B-100 for VLDL assembly depends at least in part on regulated transfer of B-100 out of the ER for degradation via the proteasome.
Nascent VLDL (B-100) + HDL (apo C & E) = VLDL LPL hydrolyzes TG forming IDL IDL loses apo C-II (reduces affinity for LPL) 75% of IDL removed by liver through Apo E and Apo B mediated receptors 25% of IDL converted to LDL by hepatic lipase
Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1 VLDL Chylomicrons Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1
QUESTIONS Where is VLDL formed? What are the lipids Carried by VLDL? Which lipid is delivered by VLDL? What is the mechanism of FFA release from VLDL? What is the fate of Remnant VLDL? What are the lipids present in excess when VLDL becomes VLDLR?
Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1 LDL Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1
Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) The lipid core of LDL is predominantly cholesteryl esters. Whereas VLDL contains 5 apoprotein types (B-100, C-I, C-II, C-III, & E), ONLY ONE PROTEIN, APOPROTEIN B-100, IS ASSOCIATED WITH THE SURFACE MONOLAYER OF LDL.
Cells take up LDL by receptor-mediated endocytosis, involving formation of a clathrin-coated pit & pinching off of a vesicle incorporating the receptor & LDL cargo. After the clathrin coat disassembles, the vesicle fuses with an endosome LDL is released from the receptor within the acidic environment of the endosome, and the receptor is returned to the plasma membrane. After LDL is transferred to a lysosome, cholesterol is released & may be used, e.g., for membranes synthesis. LDL
Endocytosis flv
LDL METABOLISM Synthesis of LDL Receptor is suppressed by high intracellular cholesterol. The decreased synthesis of LDL receptor prevents excessive cholesterol uptake by cells. It has the deleterious consequence that excess dietary cholesterol remains in the blood as LDL.
Mutations affecting the LDL receptor are associated with the most common form of the disease familial hypercholesterolemia (high blood cholesterol). Cells lacking functional LDL receptors cannot take up LDL. As a result, the amount of circulating LDL increases, leading to enhanced risk of developing atherosclerosis. Other hereditary hypercholesterolemias relate to genetic defects in structure of apolipoproteins. E.g., familial defective apoprotein B100 leads to impaired binding of LDL to cell surface receptors, with elevated levels of circulating LDL.
LDL Receptor (apoB-E receptor) Increased uptake of LDL-cholesterol results in: inhibition of HMG-CoA reductase reduced cholesterol synthesis stimulation of acyl CoA:cholesterol acyl transferase (ACAT) increased cholesterol storage TG + C -> DG + CE LDL-Receptors HMG-CoA reductase Cholesteryl ester (storage) LDL Receptors ACAT Cholesterol LDL LDL Amino acids Endosome Lysosome decreased synthesis of LDL-receptors “down-regulation” decreased LDL uptake
Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1 HDL Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1
High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) Synthesized in liver and intestine Reservoir of apoproteins Reverse cholesterol transport Apo A Activates lecithin-cholesterol acyltransferase (LCAT) Apo C Activates LPL Apo E Remnant receptor binding
HDL Reverse cholesterol transport RESERVOIR OF APOPROTEINS provides apo C and apo E to/from VLDL and chylomicrons Reverse cholesterol transport
Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1 HDL Biosynthesis of membrane lipids and steroids 1
Reverse Cholesterol Transport Delivery of peripheral tissue cholesterol to the liver for catabolism Requires HDL, apoA-I and LCAT HDL apoprotein, A-1, activates LCAT (Lecithin-Cholesterol Acyl Transferase), which catalyzes synthesis of cholesteryl esters using fatty acids cleaved from the membrane lipid lecithin. The cholesterol is scavenged from cell surfaces & from other lipoproteins.
Reverse Cholesterol Transport Delivery of peripheral tissue cholesterol to the liver for catabolism Requires HDL, apoA-I and LCAT HDL may transfer cholesteryl esters to other lipoproteins. Some remain associated with HDL, which may be taken up by liver & degraded. HDL thus transports cholesterol from tissues & other lipoproteins to the liver, which can excrete excess cholesterol as bile acids.
Reverse Cholesterol Transport Delivery of peripheral tissue cholesterol to the liver for catabolism Requires HDL, apoA-I and LCAT Esterification of HDL by LCAT LCAT activated by apoA1 Transfer of CE to VLDL remnants (IDL)) and Chylomicron remnants by CETP Removal of CE-rich remnants by liver Converted to bile acids in liver and excreted
Reverse Cholesterol Transport Peripheral Cell diffusion HDL UC UC HDL Macrophage/ Foam cell UC ABCA1 LCAT PL LCAT Nascent HDL HDL CE CE CE SR-B1 = apoA-I TG CE Liver UC = unesterified cholesterol CE = esterified cholesterol PL = phospholipid LDLr = LDL receptor ABC = ATP Binding Cassette transporter VLDL or LDL apoB LDLr Chol Bile acids Bile to gut
High blood levels of HDL ("good" cholesterol) correlate with low incidence of atherosclerosis. Bacterial & viral infections, & some inflammatory disease states decrease HDL & increase VLDL production by the liver. These & other changes associated with inflammation can lead to increased risk of atherosclerosis if prolonged.