Introduction to the draft GRDP guidelines on partnership Petr Pelcl Supreme Audit office, Czech Republic +420 777 576 257 A few words on my personal background: ex-NGO person that worked on partnership issue in CE, gave trainings to NGOs in CR on EU SF in 2002-2003 Ex-head of intermediary body – resposible for building up an regional implementing agency for JROP (biggest programme in the Czech rep.) Currently lawyer withi SAO, EU SF unit
Report objectives Summarise good practice Give recommendations to Authorities in charge of programming Management authorities Assessment teams (SEA, ex-ante) Others involved
What is partnership? Not clear Usually associated with: EU Structural Funds (or regional/local development operations in general) Dialogue among different stakeholders Openness &Transparency Democratic decision-making
Definition of the partnership Art. 8 of EC Regulation no. 1260/1999 laying down general provisions on EU SF Art. 10 of draft EC Regulation for 2007-2013 Aarhus Convention Basic principles from practise
Partnership in Structural Funds Partnership in programming Partnership in implementation & monitoring Partnership in evaluation
Partnership in programming
Facilitator An expert Responsible for smooth coordination of the partnership consultation with the programming process (incl. evaluations) In charge of: Information dissemination Groups, workshops, conferrences Interaction with planners Everyone could be an expert on partnership?!! If a person, organisation is not in charge, the partnership suffers with lack of interest of the planning team and it leads to cheatings & fake-consulations
Public participation plan Identify the stakeholders Design of the system according to specific conditions Step-by-step plan Resources: People (team, responsibilities) Budget Timetable
Partners in the planning team Programming (steering) Group Expert Thematic Groups Issue of legitimacy of the representatives Why do we have a pp plan? - it ensures, the partnership is going to be managed effectively - it serves for public to make clear, what will be the rules on their participation - in identifies the resources need (partnership always needs: people, time, committment and money)
Information campaign & Consultations Web-page E-conference Mass media, printed materials Public meetings
Minimum standard To have a public participation plan To have a facilitator To have and use information tools Kick-off and closing conference NGOs in steering and expert groups Public hearings (2x) Comments taken into account
Partnership in implementation & monitoring Partners in monitoring committees Project selection criteria Project appraisal Project selection panels/committees (external experts etc.) Capacity building Project pipeline Awareness on EU SF policy Awareness on sustainable development principles
Partnership in evaluation Mid-term evaluation Ex-post evaluation Similar process as programming
Thank you for your attention, …we will discuss the raised issues within working groups!