Tiger High School
Tiger High School The population of the school is 1800 students. The mascot is a tiger. Our school colors are blue and white. The sports we have in our program are soccer, football, volleyball, tennis,cross country, track, cheerleading, basketball, bowling, swimming, wrestling, softball, baseball, field hockey, lacrosse, hockey, and golf.
Facilities Sun Life Stadium Norman Whitten Pool BankUnited Center Ronald W. Shane Water Sports Center Alex Rodriguez Park Gym Cobb Stadium Hecht Athletic Center Neil Schiff Tennis Center Schwartz Center for Athletic Excellence James L. Knight Complex Greentree Practice field
Diagram of Room - Exam Table - Taping Table - Whirlpool - Ice Machine - Bike -Free weights -Golf Cart -AED - Cabinet Couch -TV
Golf Cart Garage It is the most convenient place to store the golf cart for a quick escape to get an injured athlete. By having a garage, the golf cart is easily assessable. when there is an injured athlete, the golf cart will pull back into the garage which leads directly to the training room.
Treatment and Taping Tables We have a total of 6 treatment tables. They are for your stim and rolling treatments. We also have 4 taping tables, they will help the flow of the room so that there will be no confusion for where to go when you need taping.
Storage In between the taping tables and the treatment table there is a cart to hold the taping supplies and rollers for easy access. The cabinets against the wall will hold all of the other supplies. This layout will be successful because all the taping and roller supplies will be accessible for students and the rest of the supplies will all be organized together in the cabinets.
Treatment Options By having an ultrasound machine and a stim machine, we feel that it will improve the healing of sports injuries. Also, we plan to use heating and ice packs. Tape will be used to strengthen injuries. Crutches and wheelchairs will be used to take pressure off of injuries. Anything that can not be treated in the athletic training room will sent to a doctor.
AED An Aed is an automated external defibrillator. It is a portable device that delivers an electric shock through the chest to the heart. The shock can stop an irregular rhythm and allow a normal rhythm to resume in a heart in sudden cardiac arrest. If sudden cardiac arrest is not treated in minutes, it can lead to death. AEDs make it possible for people to respond to a medical emergency where defibrillation is required. They can be made part of emergency response programs that also include rapid use of 911 and prompt delivery of CPR. All three of these activities are vital to improving survival from cardiac arrest.
Supplies https://docs.google.com/a/montville.net/spreadsheets/d/1jjUiqWZtcC2pXPGx fqmcLKs_KaYr1u6ATyKAoRlnypo/edit?usp=drive_web