All about planets By Macy and Lamarius
Mercury Mercury is the first planet. Mercury is the closest to the sun. Mercury completes an orbit around the sun in 88 days. The surface is so hot that it can melt lead.
Venus Venus is the second planet closest to the sun. Venus’s sky is lit up by a never ending lighting storm. Much of Venus seems to be covered with lava from an ancient volcano eruption. The second planet is forever hidden in a thick fog of clouds.
Earth Earth is the 3rd planet. Earth is the only planet with liquid water. Earth is the only planet that has life on it. People, seals ,spiders couldn’t live on any other planet. Earth is mostly made of rock.
Mars Mars is the 4th planet. It is also called the red planet. It gets it’s red color from rusty rocks. Olympus Mountains are on Mars. It is the longest mountain in the entire solar system. Without a special space suit you will not be able to breath because the air has no oxygen.
Jupiter Jupiter is the 5th planet . Jupiter is the is the largest planet. Jupiter is very hot in it’s center the is more than 50,000 degrees (f) Jupiter has a “Great Red Spot” on it. The giant spot is probably an enormous storm, a super-hurricane more than twice as big as our whole Earth.
Saturn Saturn is the 6th planet. Like Jupiter, Saturn has a striped atmosphere of mostly hydrogen along with clouds of ammonia snow. Saturn’s has beautiful system of rings are made of dirty ice some are as small a golf ball and some are as big as a train car.
Uranus Uranus is the 7th planet. Uranus is one of the planets that has rings. Uranus is to far away to see with out a telescope. Uranus has 9 fat rings.
Neptune Neptune has low average temperatures of -365 (f). Neptune is the last planet in our solar system. Neptune measures 27,800 miles in diameter and is a stupendous 2,794 million miles away from the sun. Neptune goes around the sun 165 years.
My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nachos Planet Order My Very Excited Mother Just Served Us Nachos Sun Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune