HALION 10M HC An Introduction
Intro This is intended as a primer, a basic summary of what you should be aware of for EACH boss. This is not definitive and classes should take note and discuss specific issues in the class forums. Raid leaders will use this as a summary to remind them of tactics Guild members can add information to this file by submitting it to raid teams via forums / in game mail Wherever possible Videos from Tankspot and StratFU will be linked in the forums for people to review alongside these notes
Hallion- Ruby Sanctum ABILITIES Phase 1 This is a short intensive fight that requires teamwork, healing strategy and skilful management of dispels. The mechanics are not difficult to manage, but must be well rehearsed to avoid mistiming the dispels/positioning of AOE and wiping the raid ABILITIES Phase 1 Cleave—Inflicts 75% weapon damage to an enemy and its nearest allies, affecting up to 10 targets. Tail Lash—A sweeping tail strike hits all enemies behind the caster, inflicting 3063 to 3937 damage and stunning them for 2 sec. Fiery Combustion—Engulfs an enemy target in flame, dealing 4000 Fire damage every 2 sec. Every time Fiery Combustion deals damage, it generates a Mark of Combustion charge on the target. When Combustion fades or is dispelled, it unleashes a patch of fire proportional in size to the number of charges present at the time. Either curse or magic removal may cleanse this affliction. Mark of Combustion—Builds Marks of Combustion on an enemy target. When Combustion fades or is dispelled, it creates an explosion and a patch of fire proportional in size to the number of Combustion charges present at the time. Either curse or magic removal may cleanse this affliction. Combustion—Deals 2625 to 3375 Fire damage to targets that remain within the explosion area. Flame Breath 45 yd range—Inflicts 17500 to 22500 Fire damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster. 2 second cast. 26250 to 33750 damage on 25-man. Twilight Precision—Halion's insight into movement between phases allows him to deal unexpected strikes, increasing his chance to hit by 5% and reducing the enemies' chance to dodge his attacks by 20%. Meteor Strike—Deals 18750 to 21250 Fire damage to enemies within 12 yards. Takes about 5 seconds to land, and shoots flames in four random directions upon landing. Phase 2 Halion retains Cleave, Tail Lash, and Twilight Precision from phase 1. Dark Breath—Inflicts 17500 to 22500 Shadow damage to enemies in a cone in front of the caster. 2 second cast. 26250 to 33750 damage on 25-man. Dusk Shroud—An aura of twilight energy emanates from the caster, causing nearby enemies to suffer 3000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. Twilight Cutter—Fires a beam of concentrated twilight energy, dealing massive (13875 to 16125) Shadow damage to any enemies that make contact with it. Fired from the orbs circling the room. Soul Consumption—Engulfs an enemy target in dark energy, dealing 4000 Shadow damage every 2 sec. Every time Soul Consumption deals damage, it generates a Mark of Consumption charge on the target. When Consumption fades or is dispelled, it unleashes a dark explosion proportional to the number of charges present at the time. Either curse or magic removal may cleanse this affliction. Mark of Consumption—Builds Marks of Consumption on an enemy target. When Consumption fades or is dispelled, it creates an explosion and a patch of fire proportional in size to the number of Consumption charges present at the time. Either curse or magic removal may cleanse this affliction. Consumption—Deals 2625 to 3375 Shadow damage to targets that remain within the explosion area. Phase 3 Halion retains all abilities from phase 1 and 2, but only uses them in the appropriate realm. Twilight Division—Phases the caster, allowing him to exist and act simultaneously in both the material and Twilight realms.
What We Have Learnt Move from Raid to Edge Dispel Remove any Snares Preamble Phase 1 We should all have this sorted by now , yet Im still seeing people getting hit by the meteors. The large orange PT under your feet should give it away.Combustion debuff - RUN to the edge, and then use fade / similar to reduce the slowing effects, get healed up and move out of any fires. Apart from that its straight forward Phase 2. Keep the raid group tightly together. If you get combustion , run towards the edge, thinking about your position relative to the beams - aiming for about 10 o'clock relative to the blue square. Get dispelled, remove any snare effects and get back to the blue square.The beams are not difficult if you are a reasonable distance from the boss ( 2/3 of the way to the edge is a good starting point) This gives you space to move in ( to avoid getting sucked into someones AOE) and space to move out to the edge to be dispelled. At the end of P2 STOP DPS. STOP DPS. STOP DPS. This way when you emerge for p3 Halion is not yet activated. It is VITAL that a heal and a dispel happen straight away as the normal realm group emerge as Halion will cast the combustion debuff almost immediately.The Normal Realm group MUST therefore get out as fast as possible. We had a lot of issues with not having enough healing in the Normal / Physical Realm, It was suggested that we left a healer in the Physical Realm with the tank.I think we will try leaving a Priest outside to deal with this as soon as p3 starts and also to cover off any damage on the tank. On the whole it wasn't too bad. Less Dcs and more focus and its a kill. DPS was solid, tanking looked fine, just need to get the healing and the dispelling sorted and its a done deal. TANK RAID Ranged Raid Groups Boss Area of AOE Move from Raid to Edge Dispel Remove any Snares Return to Group Avoid Beams