Hamlet Intro Notes Minich ~ AP Lit
General Notes on Hamlet Revenge Tragedy: Common among Elizabethan audiences (see Bedford 1588) – 3 story lines revolve around revenge Shakespeare’s familiarity with the name “Hamlet” – named his son “Hamnet” after his best friend, Hamnet Sadler The “Ur-Hamlet” (or first version) dates back to 1589
Dramatic Elements in Hamlet Protagonist: Hamlet stays true to the “great” archetypal tragic hero, but his is inner greatness Anachronism: Used to help the audience connect to the story: Hamlet lived in 7th-cen. Denmark but was attending Wittenberg (university founded in 1502)
Shakespeare’s Language Combination of verse and prose Doctrine of Decorum = kings, nobles, bishops spoke in verse/ clowns, laborers, mad people spoke in prose Blank Verse – first used by the Earl of Surrey in his translation of The Aeneid (also referred to as “Marlowe’s mighty line”) Shifts = Shakespeare evolved and matured in his adherence to the Doc. Of Decorum (soldiers in Act 1, sc. I speak beautiful blank verse)