Matthew 13:31-33 Growth of the Kingdom
kingdom parables Picture from life that shows what the kingdom is like, Mark 4:30 Growth of the word of God in one’s heart, Matt 13:18-23 Growth of sons of the kingdom in the world as they are surrounded by sons of the wicked one, Matt 13:24-30 (36-43) Parables of mustard seed and leaven: GROWTH OF KINGDOM, Matt 13:31-33
Mark 4:26-29 The Growth Process
sowing the seed (4:26) Kingdom does not grow by military might or political prowess By the word of the kingdom planted in good and honest hearts, Matt 13:19, 23; Mk 4:20 Kingdom does not grow by gimmicks, techniques, movements or methods It grows by the word of God – one soul at a time, 1 Peter 1:22-23 Power of word, Rom 10:17; 2 Pet 3:17-18
INVISIBLE work / visible result (4:27-28) Cannot see the word working on heart See its effect, Isa 55:11 (Jer 23:29) God brings seed to full growth, 1 Cor 3:6 Cannot see the word working in heart, but we know it is by seeing its results Attitudes change, faith develops, obedience transforms conduct as character becomes godly
INVISIBLE work / visible result (4:27-28) “We can mark the change; we can see the need of prayer, and self-examination, and searching the Scriptures…but we cannot tell in what way the religious principle is developed and strengthened… As God unseen, yet by the use of proper means, makes the grass to flourish, so God unseen, but by proper means, nourishes the soul, and the plants of piety spring up, and bloom, and bear fruit.” (Albert Barnes, Notes on the Bible, Mark 4:27)
INVISIBLE work / visible result (4:27-28) Cannot see the word working in heart See its effect in our lives, Isa 55:11 God brings seed to full growth, 1 Cor 3:6 Cannot see the word working in heart, but we know it is by seeing its results After growth comes harvest, Mark 4:29
Matthew 13:31-32 The Growth of Kingdom
Like A mustard seed Personal growth in the kingdom, Luke 17:20-21 Small beginning as a babe in Christ (born again), 2 Cor 5:17 Faith grows and love abounds with patient endurance, 2 Ths 1:3-4 Continue to walk in Christ as you received Him, Col 2:6-7
Like A mustard seed Small beginning…great increase, Acts 1:8 Gospel preached to all nations, Rom 16:25-26 Today: Christians all around the world Growth happens when seed planted Growth occurred because Christians went about preaching the word, Acts 8:4; 17:6 Get the seed out of the barn and into hearts
The spreading influence of the kingdom Matthew 13:33 The spreading influence of the kingdom
Like leaven Permeating influence of the kingdom The outward growth of the kingdom is the result of inward change, Rom 12:1-2 Principle: The whole person will be influenced by the word of the kingdom, Gal 5:7-9 Righteousness spreads like leaven, cf. 1 Cor 5:6-7
Like leaven The kingdom will have its effect on the world, Matthew 5:13-16 As the word of God influences us! When we keep godly conduct and influences in our lives Cannot live in callous disregard of our influence and maintain holiness in the fear of the Lord (2 Cor 7:1)
The kingdom of heaven After His resurrection the apostles asked Jesus if He was about to restore the kingdom to Israel, Acts 1:6-8 The kingdom would spread from Jerusalem and fill the whole earth as the word of God was planted and allowed to grow in human hearts Allow God to work in you by His word, Phil 2:12-13