Update on ‘Real estate’ for Level-0


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Presentation transcript:

Update on ‘Real estate’ for Level-0 Global considerations for placement of electronics and cables Muon detector and muon trigger options Calorimeters and calorimeter trigger options Summary 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Global considerations for placement of electronics and cables We are assuming no radiation worries on perimeters of muon and calorimeter detectors (get up to date information in electronics/background meetings Wed morning) Must allow detectors to be opened without uncabling Cabling ‘no go’ areas On floor - because of rails Some overhead areas- racks on top of detectors. Also muon frame suspension? Accessibility Detector side of wall - one very short access/day(?) Far side of wall preferable, if compatible with costs, packaging,latency considerations, and the physics of detectors and links (more on links Electronics meeting Wed morning) 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Distances (Detailed routes not shown) Electronics racks (calo) LHCb Behind the wall 30 m 30 m Electronics crates 35 m Lo decision Electronics racks (muon) Electronics racks (muon) TS and TTC 70 m Electronics racks 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Crate and cabling for calorimeters(ECAL,HCAL,PS) Number of 9U CRATES Sub-Detector Whole Detector Half-Detector PreShower 8 4 ECAL 14 7 HCAL 4 2 TOTAL 26 13 POSITIONING and INDEPENDENCE On top of calorimeters HCAL independent of ECAL+PRESHOWER CABLING In the vertical plane - bottom to the top 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Comments on proposed Calorimeter electronics layout ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Short ‘inner’ cable lengths(<10 m.) ? Access above calorimeters Routing above detector Need mobile/removable trays No cables on the ground (manoeuvring) 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting Calorimeter Trigger - update on Orsay proposal (information O Callot/I Videau) Boards and crates (9U)for trigger electronics Trigger logic for each channel embedded in FE-card. (14 crates of FE-logic for ECAL and 8 for PreShower. 4 crates for HCAL). Summary Cards for ECAL, PreShower, HCAL embedded in FE-crates ECAL Selection Crate HCAL Selection Crate Location of trigger electronics Channel logic and Summary Cards embedded in FE-logic on-detector (top) Selection Crates on balcony (cable distance up to ~30m.) Links for trigger electronics PreShower to ECAL (500) ? in the same crate or nearby crate (backplane or v. short links) Pad to Preshower 250 1 Gbit links 10 m.? ECAL to HCAL 100 1 Gbit links 10m. ? Links to Selection crates 125 1 Gbit links up to 30m. 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting Calorimeter Trigger - update on Bologna proposal (information M Bruschi) Boards and crates for trigger electronics L0 Board handles 8*4 Ecal channels 4*2 Hcal channels 32 PS channels 64 PAD channels Number of boards and crates 192 Boards 14 (7+7) crates(9U) Location of Trigger electronics (To be discussed this week) Prefer close to ECAL FE electronics (which is on top of detector) - NOT on balcony Links 26/board ~5K links 3456 ‘short’ ECAL-ECAL 1152 ‘medium’ PAD-ECAL, PS-ECAL 384 ‘long’ HCAL-ECAL 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Proposal for Muon Detectors on-detector electronics (OR logic) ~26 1/2 width 9U crates (2*(4+3+2+2+2)) MU1 to MU5 Positioning Crates on frame each half-muon plane Displacements perpendicular beam axis must be independent Cabling over the top of detector ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES Shorter ‘inner’ cables ?Additional mobile platform both sides No cable on ground ? Mobile/removable cable trays on top 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Marseille Muon Level-0 Proposal - updates FEBIs close to FIP and DMP (cable lengths 4-5 m.) FEBIs contain ‘off-detector electronics’ I.e. Level-0 and Level-1 pipelines, derandomiser buffer as well as interface to trigger processing 14 9U crates for FEBIs(each FEBI board handling 256 PADs) ~1400 1 Gbit links from OR logic to to FEBIs (each handling 32 channels) Length 34-80 m. - ? COST Connecting FEBIs to Trigger procesors Links 4-5 m. For FIP/DMP connections need ~100 (? Cu, optical) If connect to 3D will need ~1400 ‘short’ 1 Gbit links Positioning of FEBIs+Trigger Processors Strong preference for behind the wall 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting First estimates for Cable Lengths from detectors to FE electronics on the balconies( D Lacarrere) Sub-detector Distance to FE crate (m.) Min Max Vertex 12 20 Rich1 10 20 Rich2 20(35) 25(40) Ecal 20(35) 25(40) Hcal 15(30) 20(35) Muon 15(30) 20(35) These estimates reflect the 1st iteration (+- 1 m.) 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Summary of some System characteristics of Level-0 trigger proposals Calorimeter triggers Option Crates Location Link 3D 3 ? ? Bologna 14 On det ~5000(including det links) Orsay 2 Balcony ~1000 (475*10m+) Muon trigger Option Crates Location Links 3D 1 ? ? Marseille 2/3 Balcony/Far ~100*5m. Gatchina ? ? ? 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Placement of Muon and Calorimeter Electronics Muons Location Function Crates Input Cables Chamber side OR logic 26*1/2 9U ~200 K (up to 11m.) Balcony/Far FEBIs 14*9U ? ~2K (up to 40 m.) Calorimeters(ECAL+HCAL+PRESHOWER) Top ECAL+HCAL A/D 26*9U 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

Placement of MUON electronics 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting

F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting Summary Comments Proposals evolving - would expect changes following discussions this week at muon, calorimeter and electronics + background meetings. Must confirm backgrounds acceptable for electronics Map link technology with costs to proposals include detailed link ‘handling’ in evaluations Details of placement of electronics on and adjacent to detectors to be worked out 16 Feb 1999 F Harris LHCb Trigger Meeting