THEMIS MISSION PRE-SHIP REVIEW Fluxgate Magnetometer Michael Ludlam for Uli Auster University of California - Berkeley
Overview Overview Instrument Status Instrument Performance Problem Failure Reports
Instrument Status All FGM Instruments are fully functional. There are no outstanding issues or problems for the FGM. FGMs worked well through probe environmental tests and are ready for launch. There were two issues discovered with the FGM harness that resulted in a small amount of rework.
FGM Noise
FGM Offsets
Feedback shielding rework During final (post environments) CPT the FGM showed noise on two probes (F1 and F3). During analysis a problem was found with the shielding of the FGM harness. The FGM Harness is split into two sections. The first section runs from the IDPU to the boom shoulder, the second section from the boom shoulder through the boom to the sensor. A change was requested by the FGM team to the harnesses after they were built. This change included adding a shield over the feedback lines. The second section was built correctly, the first harness did not have the shield connected back at the IDPU.
Feedback shielding rework All of the harnesses were modified at the boom shoulder to correct for this problem. A functional test was run on each of the probes. On four of the probes (F1, F2, F3, F5) the tests were successful. However a problem was discovered on F4 with the sense wires in the harness being shorted to the boom.
Sense harness rework Harness found to have indentations in the isolation cover of the unshielded twisted pairs that make up the sense wires. Kapton tape was applied to the twisted wires and a Teflon tape over wrap was applied to the harness bundle. All FGM harnesses on other probes were inspected and no similar indentations were seen and no problems reported from CPT data, however similar rework was carried out on each harness as a precaution. F4 FGM boom was deployed and re-stowed to verify no problems present during or after deployment with harness isolation. CPT successfully run on all probes.
Problem Failure Reports Three new PFR’s since last review PFR 203 – F1 Noise during final CPT. Fixed with shielding rework. CLOSED. PFR 204 – F3 Noise during final CPT. PFR 228 – F4 sense pins grounded. Fixed by isolating harness from the boom with Teflon tape. CLOSED.