Communication: We encourage a very strong relationship between home and school. Families are encouraged to volunteer on field trips, classroom support, and special events. Proper paper work must be completed and can be found in the office.
Class Dojo: All Families should have received information on how to sign up, please let me know if you need any assistance. Agendas: All students have been given an agenda. As part of our morning routine, students will check for notes from home each day and will copy any messages or homework for family review each evening. Please try to remind students of this responsibility.
Writer's Workshop (LA)/ICT Grade 4 DeWolfe Week 1 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:40-8:45 Attendance 8:45-9:15 Reader's Workshop (LA) 9:15-9:45 Writer's Workshop (LA)/ICT Writer's Workshop (LA) Library (LA) Music Phys Ed 9:45-10:15 10:15-10:30 Recess 10:30-10:45 Snack 10:45-11:15 Math 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:40 Lunch 12:40-12:45 12:45-1:15 Social Studies 1:15-1:45 Health Visual Arts 1:45-2:15 Science French 2:15-2:45 2:45 Dismissal
Writer's Workshop (LA)/ICT Grade 4 DeWolfe Week 2 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 8:40-8:45 Attendance 8:45-9:15 Reader's Workshop (LA) 9:15-9:45 Writer's Workshop (LA)/ICT Writer's Workshop (LA) Library (LA) Music Phys Ed 9:45-10:15 10:15-10:30 Recess 10:30-10:45 Snack 10:45-11:15 Math 11:15-11:45 11:45-12:40 Lunch 12:40-12:45 12:45-1:15 1:15-1:45 Science Health Social Studies 1:45-2:15 French 2:15-2:45 Health/ICT 2:45 Dismissal
Readers’s Workshop is a model that includes a three-part lesson: Teacher read aloud and mini lesson 2. Guided/Independent Reading 3. Sharing Reader’s Workshop focuses on various genres, reading and comprehension strategies.
Our Reading workshop will focus on the seven strategies required to read and understand content. These strategies are: 1. Making Connections 2. Creating Mental Images 3. Making Inferences/Drawing Conclusions 4. Asking Questions 5. Determining What is Important 6. Synthesizing 7. Monitoring Comprehension & Meaning
Similar to the Reader’s Workshop model, Writer’s Workshop is also a three part lesson: Explicit writing instruction Guided/Independent Writing Sharing of student work Writer’s Workshop may focus on genres of writing, the 6 + 1 traits of writing, editing, and conventions.
Spelling will be taught at individual levels using the “Words Their Way” program. This program includes word inventories that identify the specific needs of each student. Based on these results, students will be placed in groupings that address what they need to move forward as spellers.
Our New Math program is divided into 5 strands of learning: Number Patterns and Relations Measurement 4. Geometry 5. Statistics and Probability We will follow a three-part lesson approach 1. Minds on… 2. Action! 3. Consolidate/Debrief
Topics that will be covered this year include: -Earth and Space Science - Rocks and Minerals -Physical Science - Light -Physical Science - Sound -Life Science – Habitats
Topics that will be covered this year include: -Exploration -Our World -Landscapes of Canada -Nature of Exploration (Early Explorers)
Health Education Topics that will be covered this year include: - Healthy Relationships - Healthy Self - Healthy Community
Visual Arts Students will explore the world of art in three areas: 1. Creative/Productive: Making 2. Cultural/Historical: Looking 3. Critical/Responsive: Reflecting
Music: Mondays and Thursdays Physical Education: Mondays and Fridays Library: Wednesdays French: Every Second Day
Any questions?