Ms. DeFazio’s First Grade Class 2016-2017
WHO IS MS. DEFAZIO? * I grew up in Tempe/ Scottsdale *I am a middle child I have 2 fur-kids Went to U of A- B.S. Elementary Education Masters in Early Childhood Education with reading specialist from NAU 5 years of teaching kindergarten Second year in 1st Grade! Expecting my own tiny human in October
What we have been doing! Functioning in a classroom setting Expectations- how to move about the room Adjustment to school routines Flow of the day Understanding of “school language” Voice level, BLAST… Emphasis on listening and following directions
A Typical Day in First Grade Opening/Announcements Reading – Small Groups- Daily 5/ Stations Reading Intervention Focus Groups Writing Workshop Specials Skills- Phonics Reading Math Math Intervention Focus Groups Closing
Specials- Lab #12 Art 9:45-10:30 PE Library Music Ms. DeFazio's First Grade Schedule 2016-2017 Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 7:45-7:50 Morning Routine-Attendance, upack, collect lunch money- Annoucments Morning Routine-Attendance, unpack, collect lunch money- Announcements 8:00-8:30 ELA Small Groups/ Daily 5 8-9 Developmental Reading 8:30-9:00 ELA IFG 9:00-9:15 Recess 9:00-9:45 Writing/ Extended Learning 9:15-9:45 Developmental Reading 9:45-10:30 Specials- Lab #12 Art 9:45-10:30 PE Library Music 10:30-10:55 Skills 10:30-10:55 Skills 10:55-11:35 Lunch 10:55-11:35 Lunch 11:35-12:20 Reading L&L Part 1 11:25-12:35 Math Core 12:20-1:20 Math Core 12:35- Dimissal 1:20-1:50 Math IFG 1:50-2:05 Recess 2:05-2:35 Core Knowledge Part 2 2:35 Dismissal
Reading Core Knowledge (Engage New York) Listening and Speaking Skills program Comprehension, predicting, summarizing, etc. Genres-Fiction, non-fiction, fantasy, realistic fiction, etc.
Why Core Knowledge??? . . .supports the Common Core Curriculum. . . . helps prepare students for success in college and workforce. . . . ensures equity, regardless of race, ethnicity or zip code. . . . focus on non-fiction and careful reading. . . . discuss reading and write using evidence . . . increases academic vocabulary. . . . use of real world examples. . . . creates and environment of respect and rapport . . . discussion techniques will vary and questions will engage students in questions.
Dibles Reading Assessment 3 Times per year formally tested Fluency: Read 47 wpm, 90% accuracy Benchmark, Strategic, Intenstive CLS (Correct Letter Sounds) NWF (Nonsense word fluency) (vep,tig) Letters sent home with results and ideas to help
Math Instruction 90 minutes of math instruction per day: Investigations program – real-life problem solving, number sense, etc… CGI- Cognitive Guided Instruction Focus on problem-solving strategies (see take-home folder) Calendar (whole group)-odd and even, counting, place value, calendar skills, data analysis, skip counting Smartboard-Calendar is done on the smartboard and is very interactive. MATH BOXES
Writing Journal writing and various writing prompts will be incorporated daily as a part of their “Work on Writing” during our reading block. Writer’s Workshop will take place every day. This is where students learn to draft ideas for stories, edit, and publish. 6 Trait Writing Scale-Students will be rated throughout the school year on their writing.
6 Trait Writing Scale Ideas Organization Sentence Fluency Voice Conventions Word Choice
Homework Procedures Homework: Weekly Homework-Sent home on Friday. All homework is due the following Friday. Reading Homework: 15 minutes of reading at least 4 nights a week. Reading Bags: Your child will receive a reading bag with the book that they read that day along with a reading log. Have your child answer the question assigned and initial at the top that your child read. I will let you know via email/newsletter when we will be starting reading groups. Blue Take-Home folders: Please check your child’s take-home folder every night!
Sand dollars are earned for positive behavior Discipline Sand dollars are earned for positive behavior ~Positive behaviors are rewarded with BLAST coupons and treasure box goodies Clipping down: Students will get a “second chance warning”, then will clip down if behavior continues
Mariposa is using a school-wide PBIS program What is PBIS? Positive Behavior Intervention System Focuses on positive rewards for good behavior Creates a plan for “teaching” appropriate student behaviors Creates a plan to address undesirable student behaviors through teacher and administrative interventions Lesson plans build on Mariposa LifeSkills Consistency throughout the school All staff expectations are the same, using the same language and the same series of rewards and consequences
BLAST Be Respectful Lead with Integrity Act Responsible Safety Matters Together We Achieve BLAST takes all the great programs and incentives Mariposa already has in place and ties them together! School Store coupons (Blast Coupons) Miss Manner certificates (Blast Coupons) Principals Lunch Lifeskills (all Lifeskills are imbedded within BLAST)
Snacks – Send in every day! Small and healthy Snacks will be individual due to allergies Small and healthy Consumed within 5 minutes Water ONLY- please no Capri Suns or JUICE Lunches Can pay ahead and online Lunch money sent in blue folders Checks- write student’s & teachers name
Birthdays Invitations NO birthday invitations at school This is a district policy Goodies Please do not send anything in. (Kyrene policy- handbook)
SEA STAR of the Week! Starting soon each child will get a chance to be star of the week. They will get a poster to fill out the week before and will be due the following Monday. These will be shared with the class and displayed in the class for all students to see.
Things to remember Please label belongings Jackets, Lunch Boxes, Water bottles No TOYS PLEASE!- including key chains, makeup, cars, Legos… Change in pick up- please send a note Make sure your emergency and contact information is current. To ensure your child’s safety please keep us informed of any changes regarding dismissal. Changes need to be in writing. We can only release your child to people listed on their emergency card.
Things Volunteers can do: -Assist in centers -Prep materials- tracing and cutting -Attend field trips -Work one on one with children - Volunteer Meeting -TBD ~Volunteering will start soon!
Challenger Fund What is it? What does my donation go towards? Based on parent feedback, we’ve replaced the APEX run with a direct donation campaign. This allows 100% of your money to stay at Mariposa. Our goal this year is to raise $15,000. What does my donation go towards? The Mariposa PTO uses 100% of fundraiser donations to make our school a better place to learn. How do I donate? Using the donation form you receive tonight, you can donate by cash, check or Paypal on our website. Prizes! Mariposa Lanyards, Harvest Festival prize packs, classroom popsicle parties and Target gift cards for our teachers! Donate August 12th - September 13th
Things you can do at home: Remind students of school behaviors Ask questions about the day Practice handwriting/ coloring READ every day! Look at online resources Classroom website
Communication: Newsletters via email and the website Phone: 541-3903 Email: Newsletters via email and the website Blue-Take Home Folder Class Webpage: x?PageID=25762
Please proceed to Library at 6:10 for a presentation from Mr Please proceed to Library at 6:10 for a presentation from Mr. Fallgatter