The life of Wolfgang protzner by: sid
Wolfgang's morning routine The first thing that Wolfgang does in the morning is wake up like err body else. After he wakes up its straight to the shower for him! Once done the shower he gets dressed like err body else, I hope.. Once dressed he eats two big bowls of cinnamon toast crunch and a cup of coffee.. After he gets all his stuff togeather and gets on the bus to school.
Wolfgang's school life! When Wolfgang come off the bus that stops at Skeena he goes inside to his locker so he can put his back pack away and get what he needs for whatever his first block of the day is.. After his first block Wolfgang goes to his advisory class. Once advisory is done, he will go to his block two class. Once the block two class is done he will go to his locker and grab his lunch, once he has his lunch he will go eat it like normal people. After lunch he gets all of his stuff for block 3 and goes to it. Once block 3 is over it is break and he gets his block 4 stuff maybe his backpack.
Wolfgang's after school life Once school ends for Wolfgang he waits for his bus to come and take him away to his house! After waiting about 15-20 minutes his bus shall come and take him away! Wolfgang does not always take the bus, he sometimes goes to work after school. Once Wolfgang gets home he does homework that he has to do if he has homework. Depending on what time Wolfgang finishes his homework and what time his dinner is ready he eats dinner. After eating dinner he does a number of things. On this night he plays with his cat. After playing with his cat he likes to go to bed early so he goes to the night nights!!
Some beautiful pictures of Wolfgang!!!
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