Lecture 2.7. Queuing Theory
Basic teletraffic concepts
1 user making phone calls TRAFFIC is a “stochastic process” BUSY 1 IDLE 0 time How to characterize this process? statistical distribution of the “BUSY” period statistical distribution of the “IDLE” period statistical characterization of the process “memory” E.g. at a given time, does the probability that a user starts a call result different depending on what happened in the past?
Traffic characterization suitable for traffic engineering All equivalent (if stationary process)
Traffic Intensity: example User makes in average 1 call every hour Each call lasts in average 120 s Traffic intensity = 120 sec / 3600 sec = 2 min / 60 min = 1/30 Probability that a user is busy User busy 2 min out of 60 = 1/30 Dimensionless
Traffic generated by more than one users Traffic intensity (dimensionless, measured in Erlangs): U2 U3 U4 TOT
LOADING AND ITS CHARACTERISTICS Erlang (unit) The erlang (symbol E) as a dimensionless unit is used as a statistical measure of offered load. It is named after the Danish telephone engineer A.K.Erlang, the originator of traffic engineering and queueing theory. Traffic of one erlang refers to a single resource being in continuous use, or two channels being at fifty percent use each, and so on. For example, if an office had two telephone operators who are both busy all the time, that would represent two erlangs (2 E) of traffic, or a radio channel that is occupied for thirty minutes during an hour is said to carry 0.5 E of traffic.
Alternatively, an erlang may be regarded as a "use multiplier" per unit time, so 100% use is 1 E, 200% use is 2 E, and so on. For example, if total cell phone use in a given area per hour is 180 minutes, this represents 180/60 = 3 E. In general, if the mean arrival rate of new calls is λ per unit time and the mean call holding time is h, then the traffic in erlangs E is: E = λh
Example 1 5 users Each user makes an average of 3 calls per hour Each call, in average, lasts for 4 minutes Meaning: in average, there is 1 active call; but the actual number of active calls varies from 0 (no active user) to 5 (all users active), with given probability
Example 2 30 users Each user makes an average of 1 calls per hour Each call, in average, lasts for 4 minutes SOME NOTES: In average, 2 active calls (intensity A); Frequently, we find up to 4 or 5 calls; Prob(n.calls>8) = 0.01% More than 11 calls only once over 1M TRAFFIC ENGINEERING: how many channels to reserve for these users!
A note on binomial coefficient computation
Infinite Users Assume M users, generating an overall traffic intensity A (i.e. each user generates traffic at intensity Ai =A/M). We have just found that Let Minfinity, while maintaining the same overall traffic intensity A
Poisson Distribution Very good matching with Binomial (when M large with respect to A) Much simpler to use than Binomial (no annoying queueing theory complications)
Limited number of channels THE most important problem in circuit switching U1 The number of channels C is less than the number of users M (eventually infinite) Some offered calls will be “blocked” What is the blocking probability? We have an expression for P[k offered calls] We must find an expression for P[k accepted calls] As: U2 X U3 X U4 TOT No. carried calls versus t No. offered calls versus t
Channel utilization probability C channels available Assumptions: Poisson distribution (infin. users) Blocked calls cleared It can be proven (from Queueing theory) that: (very simple result!) Hence:
Blocking probability: Erlang-B Fundamental formula for telephone networks planning Ao=offered traffic in Erlangs Efficient recursive computation available
NOTE: finite users Erlang-B obtained for the infinite users case It is easy (from queueing theory) to obtain an explicit blocking formula for the finite users case: ENGSET FORMULA: Erlang-B can be re-obtained as limit case Minfinity Ai0 M·AiAo Erlang-B is a very good approximation as long as: A/M small (e.g. <0.2) In any case, Erlang-B is a conservative formula yields higher blocking probability Good feature for planning
Capacity planning Target: support users with a given Grade Of Service (GOS) GOS expressed in terms of upper-bound for the blocking probability GOS example: subscribers should find a line available in the 99% of the cases, i.e. they should be blocked in no more than 1% of the attempts Given: C channels Offered load Ao Target GOS Btarget C obtained from numerical inversion of
Channel usage efficiency Offered load (erl) Carried load (erl) C channels Blocked traffic Fundamental property: for same GOS, efficiency increases as C grows!! (trunking gain)
Example GOS = 1% maximum blocking. Resulting system dimensioning and efficiency: 40 erl C >= 53 h = 74.9% 60 erl C >= 75 h = 79.3% 80 erl C >= 96 h = 82.6% 100 erl C >= 117 h = 84.6%
Erlang B calculation - tables
Introduction to Queuing Theory
Queuing theory definitions (Bose) “the basic phenomenon of queueing arises whenever a shared facility needs to be accessed for service by a large number of jobs or customers.” (Wolff) “The primary tool for studying these problems [of congestions] is known as queueing theory.” (Kleinrock) “We study the phenomena of standing, waiting, and serving, and we call this study Queueing Theory." "Any system in which arrivals place demands upon a finite capacity resource may be termed a queueing system.” (Mathworld) “The study of the waiting times, lengths, and other properties of queues.”
Applications of Queuing Theory Telecommunications Traffic control Determining the sequence of computer operations Predicting computer performance Health services (eg. control of hospital bed assignments) Airport traffic, airline ticket sales Layout of manufacturing systems.
Example: application of queuing theory In many retail stores and banks multiple line/multiple checkout system a queuing system where customers wait for the next available cashier We can prove using queuing theory that : throughput improves increases when queues are used instead of separate lines
Example: application of queuing theory
Queuing theory for studying networks View network as collections of queues FIFO data-structures Queuing theory provides probabilistic analysis of these queues Examples: Average length Average waiting time Probability queue is at a certain length Probability a packet will be lost
Little’s Law Little’s Law: Mean number tasks in system = Departures Arrivals Little’s Law: Mean number tasks in system = = mean arrival rate x mean response time Observed before, Little was first to prove Applies to any system in equilibrium, as long as nothing in black box is creating or destroying tasks
Proving Little’s Law 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 # in System 1 2 3 Arrivals 1 2 3 Packet # Departures 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time 1 2 3 Time in System Packet # 1 2 3 Time J = Shaded area = 9 Same in all cases!
Definitions J: “Area” from previous slide N: Number of jobs (packets) T: Total time l: Average arrival rate N/T W: Average time job is in the system = J/N L: Average number of jobs in the system = J/T
Proof: Method 1: Definition 1 2 3 Time in System (W) Packet # (N) 1 2 3 1 2 3 # in System (L) = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Time (T)
Proof: Method 2: Substitution Tautology
Model Queuing System Use Queuing models to Describe the behavior of queuing systems Evaluate system performance Server System Queuing System Queue Server
Characteristics of queuing systems Arrival Process The distribution that determines how the tasks arrives in the system. Service Process The distribution that determines the task processing time Number of Servers Total number of servers available to process the tasks
Kendall Notation 1/2/3(/4/5/6) Six parameters in shorthand First three typically used, unless specified Arrival Distribution Service Distribution Number of servers Total Capacity (infinite if not specified) Population Size (infinite) Service Discipline (FCFS/FIFO)
Distributions M: stands for "Markovian", implying exponential distribution for service times or inter-arrival times. D: Deterministic (e.g. fixed constant) Ek: Erlang with parameter k Hk: Hyperexponential with param. k G: General (anything)
Kendall Notation Examples M/M/1: Poisson arrivals and exponential service, 1 server, infinite capacity and population, FCFS (FIFO) the simplest ‘realistic’ queue M/M/m Same, but M servers G/G/3/20/1500/SPF General arrival and service distributions, 3 servers, 17 queue slots (20-3), 1500 total jobs, Shortest Packet First
Poisson Process For a Poisson process with average arrival rate , the probability of seeing n arrivals in time interval delta t
Poisson process & exponential distribution Inter-arrival time t (time between arrivals) in a Poisson process follows exponential distribution with parameter
Analysis of M/M/1 queue Given: l: Arrival rate of jobs (packets on input link) m: Service rate of the server (output link) Solve: L: average number in queuing system Lq average number in the queue W: average waiting time in whole system Wq average waiting time in the queue
M/M/1 queue model l m Wq W L Lq
Solving queuing systems 4 unknowns: L, Lq W, Wq Relationships: L=lW Lq=lWq (steady-state argument) W = Wq + (1/m) If we know any 1, can find the others Finding L is hard or easy depending on the type of system. In general:
Analysis of M/M/1 queue Goal: A closed form expression of the probability of the number of jobs in the queue (Pi) given only l and m
Equilibrium conditions Define to be the probability of having n tasks in the system at time t
Equilibrium conditions
Solving for P0 and Pn Step 1 Step 2
Solving for P0 and Pn Step 3 Step 4
Solving for L
Solving W, Wq and Lq
Online M/M/1 animation http://www.dcs.ed.ac.uk/home/jeh/Simjava/queueing/mm1_q/mm1_q.html
Response Time vs. Arrivals
Stable Region linear region
Example On a network gateway, measurements show that the packets arrive at a mean rate of 125 packets per second (pps) and the gateway takes about 2 millisecs to forward them. Assuming an M/M/1 model, what is the probability of buffer overflow if the gateway had only 13 buffers. How many buffers are needed to keep packet loss below one packet per million?
Example Measurement of a network gateway: mean arrival rate (l): 125 Packets/s mean response time (m): 2 ms Assuming exponential arrivals: What is the gateway’s utilization? What is the probability of n packets in the gateway? mean number of packets in the gateway? The number of buffers so P(overflow) is <10-6?
Example Arrival rate λ = Service rate μ = Gateway utilization ρ = λ/μ = Prob. of n packets in gateway = Mean number of packets in gateway =
Example Arrival rate λ = 125 pps Service rate μ = 1/0.002 = 500 pps Gateway utilization ρ = λ/μ = 0.25 Prob. of n packets in gateway = Mean number of packets in gateway =
Example Probability of buffer overflow: To limit the probability of loss to less than 10-6:
Example Probability of buffer overflow: = P(more than 13 packets in gateway) To limit the probability of loss to less than 10-6:
Example Probability of buffer overflow: = P(more than 13 packets in gateway) = ρ13 = 0.2513 = 1.49x10-8 = 15 packets per billion packets To limit the probability of loss to less than 10-6:
Example Probability of buffer overflow: = P(more than 13 packets in gateway) = ρ13 = 0.2513 = 1.49x10-8 = 15 packets per billion packets To limit the probability of loss to less than 10-6:
Example To limit the probability of loss to less than 10-6: or
Example To limit the probability of loss to less than 10-6: or = 9.96
1. Some Queuing Terminology To describe a queuing system, an input process and an output process must be specified. Examples of input and output processes are: Situation Input Process Output Process Bank Customers arrive at bank Tellers serve the customers Pizza parlor Request for pizza delivery are received Pizza parlor send out truck to deliver pizzas
The Input or Arrival Process The input process is usually called the arrival process. Arrivals are called customers. We assume that no more than one arrival can occur at a given instant. If more than one arrival can occur at a given instant, we say that bulk arrivals are allowed. Models in which arrivals are drawn from a small population are called finite source models. If a customer arrives but fails to enter the system, we say that the customer has balked.
The Output or Service Process To describe the output process of a queuing system, we usually specify a probability distribution – the service time distribution – which governs a customer’s service time. We study two arrangements of servers: servers in parallel and servers in series. Servers are in parallel if all servers provide the same type of service and a customer needs only pass through one server to complete service. Servers are in series if a customer must pass through several servers before completing service.
Queue Discipline The queue discipline describes the method used to determine the order in which customers are served. The most common queue discipline is the FCFS discipline (first come, first served), in which customers are served in the order of their arrival. Under the LCFS discipline (last come, first served), the most recent arrivals are the first to enter service. If the next customer to enter service is randomly chosen from those customers waiting for service it is referred to as the SIRO discipline (service in random order).
Finally we consider priority queuing disciplines. A priority discipline classifies each arrival into one of several categories. Each category is then given a priority level, and within each priority level, customers enter service on a FCFS basis. Another factor that has an important effect on the behavior of a queuing system is the method that customers use to determine which line to join.
2. Modeling Arrival and Service Processes We define ti to be the time at which the ith customer arrives. In modeling the arrival process we assume that the T’s are independent, continuous random variables described by the random variable A. The assumption that each interarrival time is governed by the same random variable implies that the distribution of arrivals is independent of the time of day or the day of the week. This is the assumption of stationary interarrival times.
Stationary interarrival times is often unrealistic, but we may often approximate reality by breaking the time of day into segments. A negative interarrival time is impossible. This allows us to write We define1/λ to be the mean or average interarrival time.
We define λ to be the arrival rate, which will have units of arrivals per hour. An important question is how to choose A to reflect reality and still be computationally tractable. The most common choice for A is the exponential distribution. An exponential distribution with parameter λ has a density a(t) = λe-λt. We can show that the average or mean interarrival time is given by .
Using the fact that var A = E(A2) – E(A)2, we can show that Lemma 1: If A has an exponential distribution, then for all nonnegative values of t and h,
A density function that satisfies the equation is said to have the no-memory property. The no-memory property of the exponential distribution is important because it implies that if we want to know the probability distribution of the time until the next arrival, then it does not matter how long it has been since the last arrival.
Relations between Poisson Distribution and Exponential Distribution If interarrival times are exponential, the probability distribution of the number of arrivals occurring in any time interval of length t is given by the following important theorem. Theorem 1: Interarrival times are exponential with parameter λ if and only if the number of arrivals to occur in an interval of length t follows the Poisson distribution with parameter λt.
A discrete random variable N has a Poisson distribution with parameter λ if, for n=0,1,2,…, What assumptions are required for interarrival times to be exponential? Consider the following two assumptions: Arrivals defined on nonoverlapping time intervals are independent. For small Δt, the probability of one arrival occurring between times t and t +Δt is λΔt+o(Δt) refers to any quantity satisfying
Theorem 2: If assumption 1 and 2 hold, then Nt follows a Poisson distribution with parameter λt, and interarrival times are exponential with parameter λ; that is, a(t) = λe-λt. Theorem 2 states that if the arrival rate is stationary, if bulk arrives cannot occur, and if past arrivals do not affect future arrivals, then interarrival times will follow an exponential distribution with parameter λ, and the number of arrivals in any interval of length t is Poisson with parameter λt.
The Erlang Distribution If interarrival times do not appear to be exponential they are often modeled by an Erlang distribution. An Erlang distribution is a continuous random variable (call it T) whose density function f(t) is specified by two parameters: a rate parameter R and a shape parameter k (k must be a positive integer). Given values of R and k, the Erlang density has the following probability density function:
Using integration by parts, we can show that if T is an Erlang distribution with rate parameter R and shape parameter k, then The Erlang can be viewed as the sum of independent and identically distributed exponential random variable with rate 1/
Using EXCEL to Compute Poisson and Exponential Probabilities EXCEL contains functions that facilitate the computation of probabilities concerning the Poisson and Exponential random variable. The syntax of the Poisson EXCEL function is as follows: =POISSON(x,Mean,True) gives probability that a Poisson random variable with mean = Mean is less than or equal to x. =POISSON(x,Mean,False) gives probability that a Poisson random variable with mean =Mean is equal to x.
The syntax of the EXCEL EXPONDIST function is as follows: =EXPONDIST(x,Lambda,TRUE) gives the probability that an exponential random variable with parameter Lambda assumes a value less than or equal to x. =EXPONDIST(x,Lambda,FALSE) gives the probability that an exponential random variable with parameter Lambda assumes a value less than or equal to x.
Modeling the Service Process We assume that the service times of different customers are independent random variables and that each customer’s service time is governed by a random variable S having a density function s(t). We let 1/µ be the mean service time for a customer. The variable 1/µ will have units of hours per customer, so µ has units of customers per hour. For this reason, we call µ the service rate. Unfortunately, actual service times may not be consistent with the no-memory property.
For this reason, we often assume that s(t) is an Erlang distribution with shape parameters k and rate parameter kµ. In certain situations, interarrival or service times may be modeled as having zero variance; in this case, interarrival or service times are considered to be deterministic. For example, if interarrival times are deterministic, then each interarrival time will be exactly 1/λ, and if service times are deterministic, each customer’s service time is exactly 1/µ.
The Kendall-Lee Notation for Queuing Systems Standard notation used to describe many queuing systems. The notation is used to describe a queuing system in which all arrivals wait in a single line until one of s identical parallel servers is free. Then the first customer in line enters service, and so on. To describe such a queuing system, Kendall devised the following notation. Each queuing system is described by six characters: 1/2/3/4/5/6
The first characteristic specifies the nature of the arrival process The first characteristic specifies the nature of the arrival process. The following standard abbreviations are used: M = Interarrival times are independent, identically distributed (iid) and exponentially distributed D = Interarrival times are iid and deterministic Ek = Interarrival times are iid Erlangs with shape parameter k. GI = Interarrival times are iid and governed by some general distribution
The second characteristic specifies the nature of the service times: M = Service times are iid and exponentially distributed D = Service times are iid and deterministic Ek = Service times are iid Erlangs with shape parameter k. G = Service times are iid and governed by some general distribution
The third characteristic is the number of parallel servers. The fourth characteristic describes the queue discipline: FCFS = First come, first served LCFS = Last come, first served SIRO = Service in random order GD = General queue discipline The fifth characteristic specifies the maximum allowable number of customers in the system. The sixth characteristic gives the size of the population from which customers are drawn.
In many important models 4/5/6 is GD/∞/∞ In many important models 4/5/6 is GD/∞/∞. If this is the case, then 4/5/6 is often omitted. M/E2/8/FCFS/10/∞ might represent a health clinic with 8 doctors, exponential interarrival times, two-phase Erlang service times, a FCFS queue discipline, and a total capacity of 10 patients.