Language & Consciousness Lecture 27
Lateralization of Function Hemispheres specialized process information differently L: “analytic” vs R: “holistic” information shared via commissures Language meaning Left hemisphere emotional content Right hemisphere ~
Lateralization: Language Evidence from stroke victims Left hemi. damage aphasias paralysis: right side Right hemi. damage no aphasias paralysis: left side Females less lateralization unilateral lesion less aphasia ~
Mind/Brain Relationship Monism mind product of brain function Dualsim fundamentally different and separate Split brain 2 minds? commissurotomy Monism? Dualism? ~
Split Brain Research Commissurotomy sever corpus callosum Humans treatment of severe epilepsy Animals also sever optic chiasm only ipsilateral visual inputs No communication b/n hemispheres ~
Animal Research Myers & Sperry - Nobel prize 2 consciousnesses in 1 body? Cats & monkeys cut corpus callosum & optic chiasm Completely lateralized visual input left eye left hemi only right eye right hemi only Do hemispheres have different experiences? ~
Cat Neuroanatomy CC
Discrimination Training Left eye open Discrimination training triangle press button reward circle press button no reward After learned cover left eye no longer performs task information not available to right hemi 1 hemi learned association other one did not ~
Discrimination Training Differential training left: triangle reward right: circle reward no pressing for non-rewarded shape Hemispheres learned different things separate consciousnesses? ~
Human Split-Brain Research Commissurotomy epilepsy tx optic chiasm intact no apparent deficits contralateral visual inputs Lateralized visual input Tachistoscope or T-scope < 200 msec info to 1 hemisphere ~
Human Split-Brain Research Discrimination training same as animals Verbal identification of objects visual tactile Other interesting phenomenon L & R competition and more ~
LVF RVF Speech Mute L R Body Body
LVF RVF Normal subject CC intact What did you see? an apple ~
LVF RVF Speech L R
LVF RVF Normal subject What did you see? a cow info to Left via CC ~
LVF RVF Speech Mute L R CC
LVF RVF Split-brain CC cut CC What did you see? a cup ~
LVF RVF Speech L R
LVF RVF Split-brain What did you see? Nothing Why not? ~ CC
LVF RVF Speech Mute L R CC
I.D. by R. Hemisphere L. Hemi no knowledge of key How can R. hemi identify? reach into bag w/ L. hand I.D. the key R. hand cannot I.D. ~
LVF RVF Split-brain Speech Mute L R Body Body
Paul - Mr. P.S. Split-brain patient R. & L. hemi language spell w/ L. hand using scrabble letters “I know it wasn’t me that did that.” ~
LVF RVF Speech Mute L R CC
Paul - Mr. P.S. Point to the object best related to what you see R. hand chicken L. hand shovel “I saw a claw and I picked the chicken, … and you have to clean out the chicken shed with a shovel. “ Confabulation ~
Paul - Mr. P.S. T-scope to ask questions Who is your girlfriend? R & L same answer Career choice: I want to be a _____. L. hemi. doctor R. hemi race car driver 2 consciousnesses in 1 body? ~
The Nature of Consciousness Split-brain split consciousness? Monism vs. Dualism How do you split a nonphysical entity? supports monist view Brain & Behavior mental states physiological states ~