Christina Goss 3rd period 10/10/16 Emory University Christina Goss 3rd period 10/10/16
Introduction Emory University is located in Atlanta Georgia. The type of college Emory is a private. The majors they have are Accounting, computer science, chemistry general, and biology/biological. The tuition fees are $46,314. The demographics at Emory are 0.2% American Indian/ Alaskan Native, 22.9% Asian, 11.1% African-American, 9.7% Hispanic/Latino, 3.6% Multi-Race, 48.7% White and 3.8% Unknown. The mascot they have is an Eagle.
Admission requirements High school diploma is required but a GED is not required. College preparatory program is recommended.
Major offered The major is offered is computer science. The career that you can do is software system developer. The salary of a software system developer is over $70,597 dollars.
Actives/organizations/sports Actives/organizations are: Society picnics, Halloween ball, Thanksgiving potluck, Service day, Doctoberfest and the Infamous cadaver ball. Sports are: basketball, baseball, cross-country, soccer, softball, swimming, tennis, track and filed and volleyball.
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Fun facts about Emory Emory is a church-affiliated, comprehensive university. Emory was founded in 1836 Emory’s Michael C. Carlos museum has over 15,00 pieces of art spanning 9,000 years. Dooley week honors a ghoulish mascot who joins the parties in costumed form.