Welcome to 9th Honors English! Please complete the following on the index card provided. First & Last Name Period Birthdate Describe yourself as a person in three words. Describe yourself as a student in three words. What is your favorite novel or play you’ve ever read for school? What is your least favorite novel or play you’ve ever read for school? What do you see yourself doing after high school? What is your favorite movie? Do you ever read for pleasure? If so, what kinds of texts do you read? What extracurricular activities do you (or will you) participate in this school year? What other honors or AP courses are you taking this year? Do you have access to Wifi at home?
A little bit about Mrs. Bogdanich Ph.D. student at UGA (will be a triple dawg this semester) Favorite literary time period: Renaissance Favorite books: The Winter’s Tale and Jane Eyre Favorite movies: horror films (especially from the 70s) and anything by Hitchcock
A little bit about Ms. Johnson Student at UGA Favorite literary genres: Modernism, utopia/dystopia, plays Favorite books: The Count of Monte Cristo, Mrs. Dalloway, Cecilia Favorite movies: Up, Finding Nemo, Rogue One, Spirited Away
Syllabus Please make sure to have you and your parents or guardians complete the last page and return it no later than Friday, August 11th.
Required Course Materials Composition notebook (college ruled paper, no spirals) Very important: Please bring to class by Thursday, August 10th these will remain in classroom for daily writing exercises Three ring binder (1” or 1 ½”) with dividers To be kept and organized by students in order to keep track of assignments, handouts, etc. Loose-leaf college ruled notebook paper Writing utensils (pencil and blue or black pen) Highlighters or colored pens/pencils
Classroom Expectations My expectations are simple and concise: 1. Be present and on time. 2. Be prepared. 3. Be respectful. 4. Be open-minded. Part of being present includes: staying on task during all work times, remaining in your seat working until the bell rings for class change/dismissal, and keeping your phone powered down and put away (out of sight) during class time. This means no texting, no social media use, no games, etc. There may be some specific exceptions to the “no phone” rule for course-related activities.
Summer Reading Assignment Please see me after class if you did not receive the assignment sheet last year (or would like another one) or need to check out a Mythology text Due date to turn in assignments: no later than Monday, August 14th Summer reading assessment: Friday, August 18th (more details to come next Tuesday)
The Marshmallow Challenge Objective: Build the tallest possible freestanding structure with your group in 15 minutes. Freestanding: The structure cannot be taped down to the desk, and you cannot be holding it when the time runs out! Catch: You may only use the materials in front of you. Materials: 20 sticks of spaghetti, 1 yard of masking tape, 1 yard of string, 1 pair of scissors, 1 marshmallow To Win: Build the tallest structure in the class!
The Marshmallow Challenge What are some things the challenge helped you learn about yourself and others? What was the most challenging aspect about the challenge and why? How might you be able to apply what you learned today to English class?