#GetInspired Skills Scotland Events are your chance to discover what’s out there and who you could be, how to get there and ultimately find the career you’ll love! Points to present to your students: The Skills Scotland Events offer students a chance to try new skills, discover careers, meet employers and get inspired through interactive and hands-on demos. They are designed for students to get a taster of what careers are available in order to help them decide what they’d like to do, whilst informing them of the best routes to take; further education, apprenticeships etc., to their chosen careers. Recommended exercise: Why not start with asking your students what they like doing outside of school, what they are inspired by. Ask your students what they dream of doing when they leave school and how they could involve their interests into a career they’ll love, for example: Do you like sport? Perhaps you could be a Coach or Sports Journalist. Maybe you like sport and enjoy biology. Perhaps you could be a Sports Physiotherapist. Are you good at maths but really enjoy art? Perhaps you could be an Architect or Graphic Designer. Ask them to write on a piece of paper one subject they love and on the other side, one of their hobbies. Ask them to think of a job that might require skills from both areas. With this in mind, ask them to think of questions they would want to ask someone in that industry, in order to learn more about the area or job. Organised by:
What are Skills Scotland Events like? Recommended exercise: Ask your students to play close attention to the video as there’ll be questions at the end… After watching the video ask them to write down five things they noticed in the video that either inspired or interested them and ask them why? Discuss.
What can I gain? Access to a full range of exciting and ambitious pathways, including: Jobs with study options Further and higher education Training courses Apprenticeships Traineeships… and more The reason it is recommended that this presentation takes place in a computer room is so that your students can participate in the following exercise… Ask your students to think of one celebrity who inspires them. Ask them to research (Wikipedia) how they began their career, what age they started and what route they took to achieve their goals.
Who will I meet? Future Employers Colleges and Universities Careers Advisors Training Providers Points to present to your students: Future employers will be there! You can learn how they recruit and train staff, about apprenticeships, courses, training providers, how you can learn on the job and what qualifications you need to achieve your goals.
How should I prepare for it? There’ll be lots of fun demonstrations. Visit the website to see what/who you would be interested in seeing Think of some questions you want to ask exhibitors before you arrive Follow us on Facebook/Twitter/ Instagram to get involved in some pre-event activities! Please find a list of recommended questions for your students to ask the exhibitors they are interested in seeing: What does your company do? What careers do you offer? What qualifications do I need? What training is available? Where could I be in 5 years time? How much could I earn? Where do I find out more?
Do I need to know anything else? Some of the fun, physical activities need sensible shoes – go prepared! There will be lots of other students at the event, ensure you listen to your school’s instructions You won’t need your school bag Bring some money along if you’d like to buy food or drink
Follow us! Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram and get involved in some pre-event activities, including competitions, and keep updated with exciting exhibitors booking in Hashtag: #GetInspired #SkillsScotland @SkillsScotland /SkillsScotland ProspectEvents
Where and when? Skills Scotland Aberdeen, 7 November 2017 AECC, Aberdeen Skills Scotland Edinburgh, 9 November 2017 Royal Highland Centre, Edinburgh Skills Scotland Glasgow, 29 & 30 November 2017 SEC Centre, Glasgow