Focus: To plan a creative myth. Greek Myths Focus: To plan a creative myth.
Myths What is a myth? A myth is a made-up story that explains the existence of a natural event — such as where thunder comes from or why we have four seasons. The main characters in myths are usually gods or supernatural heroes . As sacred stories, myths are often approved by rulers and priests and closely linked to religion.
Persephone Who was Persephone? What happens in the myth Persephone? Four seasons – Winter, Autumn, Spring and Summer.
Hades – Lord of the Underworld Mount Olympus Zeus – King of the Gods
Why snow falls from the sky! In your talk partners think of five words to describe snow. In your talk partners think of a creative idea as to why it might snow. Not scientific!
Mind Mapping We are now going to create our own mind map to help us plan our myth ‘Why snow falls from the sky’. What do you think we should put in the middle of our map? Something to summarise our myth. How many branches will we need? At least six main branches: Characters – Hero, monster, damsel, Introduction – create a setting Build up – set your hero on a quest Main body – surround your hero with conflicts Conclusion – bring your myth to an end The natural event – according to the story...
How many second level branches will we need? Will we use third level branches? Make sure you use the keys words for your myth. Characters names, feelings, emotions, places, etc. Use lots of colour in your map, colour co-ordinating branches. Now it’s your turn....
Focus: To plan a creative myth ‘Why snow falls from the sky’ Share your myth plan with your talk partner. Does the plan show a story that will explain why snow falls from the sky? Discuss sentence openers to start your myth. Draw a face to represent how you feel about your plan.