Little is left over after housing & transportation costs State funded school tax refunds Infrastructure funds targeted to downtowns & near transit
The end result of an unaffordable city: Homelessness Saved here, updating LI index work. On tab “ToAdd”: V:\Projects\611_Long Island Civic Forum\Index 2015\Findings\BuildingPermits_2014_Update.xlsx Analysis: Coalition for the Homeless
The end result of an unaffordable city: Overcrowding State funded school tax refunds Infrastructure funds targeted to downtowns & near transit
We need to grow – but where and how? Near mass transit, preferably underutilized With existing urban amenities, services, and infrastructure, or the ability to invest in them Create more mixed-income neighborhoods especially in formerly exclusionary areas Create more housing, not just more buildings
Effective Density in High-Rise Areas 899 Apartments 104 Apartments ~ 750 SF/apartment ~4,000 SF/apartment Manhattan down 29% from peak population. Manhattan down 16% from 1950 population Photo: Jason Eppink Photo: Arturo Pardavila III
Effective Density in the outer boroughs: Lots within ½ mile of transit, zoned for <1.0 Floor Area Source: NYC PLUTO 2014
Effective Density in the outer boroughs: Rezone to multifamily development, 4x the housing without increasing bulk. Source: RPA
Unlock Hidden Housing: ~98,000 additional Accessory Units with legal changes Illustration: Architectural League of NY, Urban Omnibus
Unlock Hidden Housing: 167,000 Vacant Units not on the Market
Inclusionary Zoning works best in high market, high density areas
Many high-market, high-density areas are left out
Community concerns addressed in ways which are 1) Legally encoded 2) Direct 3) Ongoing or permanent Source: RPA Conveyal, WalkScore, American Community Survey