Author of Gorskih Kirill Flora and fauna of Russia Author of Gorskih Kirill
Russia has an extraordinary variety of natural conditions and natural resources. The flora, there are about 6 thousand species of flowering plants and ferns, dedicated to different environmental conditions.
Very rich and diverse fauna of our country Very rich and diverse fauna of our country. Animal world - is not only animals but also birds and fish, and insects ...
Ромашка непахучая Matricaria perforata Merat Annual herb 25-100 cm in height growing in fields, shores of water bodies, in gardens, on waste land.
Черёмуха обыкновенная — Padus avium Mill. Tree up to 15-18 m or large shrub. She has an extensive area in the European part of the country, from tundra to steppe areas in the North Caucasus and western Siberia, and outside Russia - across Europe.
Смородина чёрная — Ribes nigrum L. Shrub to 2 m with yellowish shoots with a characteristic odor. Black currant is widely distributed in Eurasia. Grows in moist woods, swampy thickets..
Клён ясенелистный — Acer negundo L. A tree to 25 m tall and a diameter of 50 cm, with a wide branchy crown. Young shoots green, purple, reddish-brown or olive..
Земляника обыкновенная, или лесная — Fragaria vesca L. Grows on dried, slightly acidic, rich, humus soil: in clearings, meadows, sparse forests (deciduous and coniferous). Opushechno-forest plants..
Душица обыкновенная — Origanum vulgare L. It grows in dry meadows, steppes, on the edges and clearings. A widespread plant in all areas of Central Russia..
Василек синий, или посевной — Centaurea cyanus L. Grows on dry, rich in minerals in the soil: in winter crops and fallow fields. Spread throughout Europe..
Серый волк Grey Wolf fairly large and predatory animals. Prefer to live families or small flocks. Wolf prefers a variety of landscapes, but dense forests.
Белка Squirrels, cute animal with a fluffy tail. Agile and nimble. Very thrifty, that is their distinguishing ability. It lives on all continents except Australia..
Павлин Peacock is one of the most beautiful birds. Known for wild and domesticated species of peacocks. Inhabit ordinary peacocks in the forest with shrub thickets..
Косуля европейская European roe deer - a small hoofed animal, very elegant and slim .. Roe deer are good swimmers, fear of meetings with the lynx, wolves, foxes and other wild animals. Life expectancy of 11-12 years old roe deer..
Горный козел Mountain goats typical inhabitants of the mountains. Their element inaccessible rocky places, steep cliffs and gorges. Bravely climb steep inaccessible. Very careful and hardy. Live mostly families or small herds. Are found in mountainous areas south Asia, north Africa and the mountains of Europe..
Белый медведь Polar bear - a large terrestrial predators. Dwells on drifting sea ice and landfast there and hunt for their main prey. Thick and dense fur protects the bear from the cold in the icy water..
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