Building 314 (and neighboring buildings): current situation Confidential Building 314 (and neighboring buildings): current situation Battery testing (battery pack performance and battery cell abuse) related new laboratory Existing laboratory with on-going activities including battery cell performance testing Ongoing activities (in the vicinity) 323 battery storage
Building 314: impressions of the current situation Confidential Building 314: impressions of the current situation
Building 314: conceptual design Confidential Building 314: conceptual design Cooler for walk-in climate chambers Air cleaning Coolers for battery packs Non-battery related activities Non-battery related activities Control room Abuse testing Pack testing Fire alarm system Non-battery related activities Possible location for battery module/small pack X-ray CT which would require extension of this left hand chamber as demarcated by the red box – see Slide 4 for details
Building 314: short description of the conceptual design Confidential Building 314: short description of the conceptual design All the way to the right, four already existing test chambers are shown, which will be used for abuse testing. For this usage, these four chambers and the room on their right will be contained with new walls and a new ceiling (as second, gas tight containment; please note that the four chambers themselves are not gas tight). On the left of these four chambers, a control room will be created (left of the control room a cupboard-like room for sound-proofing will be created. It will house two pack cyclers which have already been procured and a further module/pack cycler (procurement ongoing); exact shape of the room should still be modified). Left of the control room two already existing larger chambers are shown. They will be used for pack performance testing (up to full electric vehicle packs). The right of these two cells will be enlarged to be able to house also larger packs. Both chambers will be equipped with walk-in climate chambers. As an alternative JRC is currently investigating the technical feasibility of purchasing and installing an X-ray Computer Tomography (CT) system for battery modules and small battery packs. This CT system would be housed in the left hand chamber which would have to be extended as shown in Slide 3. NOTE: The conceptual design drawings in Slide 5 and 6 do NOT illustrate this extension of the left hand chamber which is still under consideration All the way to the left, two climate chambers are shown. Here the lab does not have to be modified, they are just shown as it is under consideration to connect these climate chambers to the air exhaust (and scrubber) and fire fighting system that will be installed for abuse and pack testing anyway; this is still to be decided. Further shown infrastructure includes: - air exhaust pipes and air scrubber - cooler for walk-in climate chambers - fire alarm system - cooling system for battery packs (that are tested in the larger chambers)
Building 314: conceptual design Confidential Building 314: conceptual design The left-hand chamber as illustrated does not take into account the X-ray CT option which is still under consideration
Building 314: conceptual design Confidential Building 314: conceptual design The left-hand chamber as illustrated does not take into account the X-ray CT option which is still under consideration