Proper Thawing
Proper Thawing Time-temperature abuse can easily happen during preparation. To avoid abuse remove from the walk-in or refrigerator only as much food as can be prepared in a short period of time. Prepare food in small batches so that the ingredients don’t sit out for too long in the temperature TDZ.
Proper Thawing Freezing does not kill pathogens. When frozen food is thawed & exposed to the TDZ, any pathogen in the food will begin to grow. Never thaw frozen foods at room temperature. Foodservice professionals must thaw TCS food in one of the following ways.
Proper Thawing Thaw food in a walk-in, refrigerator or cooler at a proper temperature of 41°f or below.
Proper Thawing Submerge food under running water at 70°f or below. Make sure the water is Potable.
Proper Thawing Thaw food in a microwave oven if it will be cooked immediately after thawing
Thaw food as part of the cooking process. Proper Thawing Thaw food as part of the cooking process.