Erasmus+ CBHE project 561890-2015E-JP MARUEEB Erasmus+ CBHE project 561890-2015E-JP Intensive Course in «Energy Efficient Buildings» attended by Armenian and Russian Jr. staff Final project “ANALYSIS OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF THE FRAME-PANEL FENCING STRUCTURES WITH DIFFERENT INSULATION MATERIALS” Author: Mamontov Aleksandr St. Petersburg, 18th September 2017
ANALYSIS OF ENERGY EFFICIENCY OF THE FRAME-PANEL FENCING STRUCTURES WITH DIFFERENT INSULATION MATERIALS Project aim to study the energy and economic efficiency of application of different insulation in the frame-panel walls for a low-rise buildings in the Tambov region. Project objectives to do a critical review of the operational properties of the mineral wool slabs, slabs of expanded foam polystyrene and slabs of extruded foam polystyrene; to explore the changing of temperature, humidity and thermal conductivity of various insulation materials during the heating period by means of field tests of the frame-panel fencing; to assess the energy and economic efficiency of application of different insulation materials in the frame-panel houses using the results of filed tests.
Operational properties of the applied insulation materials Indicators Material Mineral wool slabs Slabs of expanded foam polystyrene Slabs of extruded foam polystyrene Density, kg/m3 37-190 (± 10 %) 12 – 50 (± 10 %) 28 – 53 (± 10 %) Compressive strength at 10% linear deformation, MPa 0,018 – 0,045 0,02 – 0,2 0,25 – 0,7 Strength at a static bend, MPa - 0,04 – 0,35 0,2 – 0,7 Tensile strength at detachment, MPa ≤ 0,01 ≤ 0,08 Compressibility, % about 30 ≤ 30 ≤ 1,5 Shrinkage, % ≤ 10 (no load) 0 (no load) ≤ 30 (at rated load) ≤ 0,5 (at rated load) Moisture sorption, % 2 – 5 2 – 12 2 – 3 Water absorption for 24 hours, % by volume ≤ 40 2 – 4 0,2 – 0,4 Thermal conductivity at 25ºC, W/(m∙K) 0,036 – 0,038 0,037 – 0,042 0,030 – 0,033 Temperature of application,0С -180 0C до +650 0C -50 0C до +75 0C Combustibility Incombustible Normally flammable Self-extinguishing Weakly flammable Real durability, years 10-15 15-20 not less than 20 Processability There's a lots of mineral dust. Require protectors. Crumbles into granules Easy to handle Price for 1 m3, RUB 2100 - 6800 1500 - 3000 4100 – 4600
Experimental frame-panel house Applied insulation materials Mineral wool slabs Extruded foam polystyrene slabs “PENOPLEX” Expanded foam polystyrene slabs ПСБ-С 15 The heated area is 9m2 The heated volume is 27m3 Frame-panel fencing structure Outer skin – Cement-bonded particleboards, 10 mm Inner skin – Sheets of gypsum plaster, 10 mm Wooden frame – Dry planed timber, 150 mm Vapor barrier film Insulation layer – Mineral wool slabs, 150 mm It was measured: - the temperature and humidity of the inside and outside air; - the temperature and humidity of the insulating layers; - the thermal conductivity of the insulation materials; - the energy consumption for heating
Equipment and samples Oil-filled electric radiator “DeLonghy”, the indoor weather station “Oregon” with the remote sensor, the multimeter DT838 with the thermocouple open type, the electricity meter Place of selecting of the samples: 1 , 2 – The walls with the mineral wool slabs; 3 – The wall with the slabs of extruded foam polystyrene PENOPLEX; 4 – The wall with the slab of expanded foam polystyrene ПСБ-С 1 2 3 4 Arrangement of thermocouples in structure of: a – the wall with mineral wool slabs and extruded foam polystyrene slabs “PENOPLEX”; b – the wall with expanded foam polystyrene slabs “ПСБ-С 15”; c – the attic ceiling with mineral wool slabs; d – the basement ceiling with extruded foam polystyrene slabs “PENOPLEX” Samples for determination of humidity (1) and the thermal conductivity of the extruded foam polystyrene (2), the mineral wool (3), the expanded foam polystyrene (4) 2 3 4 1 а) b) c) d)
Analysis of the humidity operation mode of the insulating layers at the fencing structures of the frame-panel type
Changing of humidity of the outdoor and indoor air during the heating period of 2016/17 Changing of humidity of the insulation materials during the heating period 2016/17
Investigation of the thermal conductivity of the insulating layers of the frame-panel walls during the heating period
Changing of the value of thermal conductivity coefficient of the thermal insulation of the frame-panel houses during the heating period 2016/17 Average for the heating period 2016/17 values of thermal conductivity coefficient : Mineral wool slabs with the hydro- windproof film – 0,035 W/(m*K) Mineral wool slabs without the hydro- windproof film – 0,035 W/(m*K) Slabs of extruded foam polystyrene PENOPLEX – 0,034 W/(m*K) Slabs of expanded foam polystyrene – 0,055 W/(m*K)
Analysis of the temperature mode of the insulating layers at the frame-panel fencing structure
Changing of the value of the specific temperature gradient (ºC/m) in the insulation layers of the frame-panel fences, and the temperature gradient of indoor and outdoor air during the heating period 2016/17
Experimental values of thermal resistance ( R0, m2 Experimental values of thermal resistance ( R0, m2*ºС/W) of the frame-panel structures with a different insulation materials
Evaluation of the energy efficiency of the enclosing frame-panel structures with various insulation materials
The following characteristics of the experimental frame-panel house were calculated according to STANDARD 50.13330.2012 - Thermal protection of buildings: The actual values of degree-days of heating period Dd = 3696ºС*days; The specific thermal characteristics of the building kоб = 0,31 W/(m3*ºС); The specific characteristics of heat consumption for the heating and ventilation of the building qpот = 0,3 W/(m3*ºС); The specific consumption of thermal energy for the heating and ventilation of the building during the heating period q = 26,61 kWh/(m3*year) or 79,83 kWh/(m2*year); The consumption of thermal energy for the heating and ventilation of the building during the heating period Qгодот = 718 kWh/year
Changing of the daily energy consumption for heating of frame-panel house with an area of 9 m2 during the heating period 2016/17 The experimental value of the total consumption of electricity energy for the all heating period - 2243 kWh
Comparison of the economic efficiency of the application of various insulation materials in the enclosing frame-panel structures
The following factors were taken into account: The comparison was provided for the frame-panel house with the follow data : The construction region is Tambov The heated area is 100 m2 The area of envelope structures (walls and ceilings) is 300 m2 The normative operation period of the house is 75 years The all fencings are insulated by the same type of insulation material The house is heated by the electricity energy The following factors were taken into account: Cost of insulating material; Cost of installation of the thermal insulation; Average longevity of the insulation material and the amount of its replacement; Cost of replacement the insulation layer; Value of the specific consumption of thermal energy for all types of insulation materials; Heating costs (the electricity rate is 3,64 RUB/kWh).
Results of calculation of the costs for the thermal insulation and the heated of the frame-panel house The total cost is almost equal for the all thermal insulation materials. But the insulation by the expanded foam polystyrene slabs is cheaper .
Thank you very much for your attention !