DRUGS AND ALCOHOL Bringing drugs & alcohol into the workplace, or being under the influence on the job, are often grounds for immediate dismissal There could also be legal implications if the situation involves controlled substance. Being drunk or high at work (legal or not)
TIME AND PROPERTY THEFT When an employee does not tell the truth about how much time they spent working, this is considered time theft and can be grounds for immediate dismissal Employees can also be accused of property theft for items from copier paper for personal business up to computer theft Think that no one is watching (colleagues, cameras, etc.)
GOSSIPING Talking about someone even if fact based, can have legal implications Talking about your colleagues/supervisor on social media Getting too involved in office matters (complaining, office politics, etc.)
CONDUCTING PERSONAL BUSINESS Similar to social media use, if you are bringing personal business matters to work, or spending too much time doing personal business at work, you may be subject to disciplinary action Some organizations monitor internet use during the day and even phone calls Pay attention to company alerts Unauthorized use of internet or breach of company email policy
SOCIAL MEDIA AT WORK Using social media on work computers, phone, laptop, I Pad, etc. is increasingly an issue in the workplace. While some organizations have policies allowing limited and/or secure usage, an employee can be dismissed for abusing the use of social media in the workplace There can also be grounds for dismissal for complaining about their job or disclosing company information on social media THIS CONTINUES TO BE A SENSITIVE ISSUE ESPECIALLY WITH THE FIRST AMENDMENT “FREEDOM OF SPEECH”
SEXUAL HARASSMENT/TITLE IX Self Explanatory Unwelcomed Physical, verbal or written (text, emoji) Law Hostile work environment Too comfortable Education and training is critical
WORKPLACE MISCONDUCT Misconduct is a broad range of activity including, but not limited to: Foul language Unprofessional interactions Reaction to others Harassment Tone Threats Invading physical space of others Physical violence Destruction of company property Undisclosed relationships with other employees Sleeping on the job Caught not being truthful
EMPLOYEE NON-COMPLIANCE Not taking the time to understand and/or read organization policies/rules so they can make appropriate behavior decisions at work Unprofessional behavior Attitude Interactions with others Insubordination Dress code Lowering morale in the workplace Just because you work hard and/or are an effective performer you do not have to follow the rules
POOR ATTENDANCE Employee who are consistently late and/or absent (abuse of PTO Policy) have an impact on the productivity of the organization Think that because they have an excuse for each lateness, makes it okay Think that because they can make up the time, it is okay
POOR PERFORMANCE Failing to meet job requirements Failing to improve after being given feedback On-going discussions Performance Reviews Performance Improvement Plan Think that because they are having a bad day they have a pass not to do their job Think that because they do not agree with the feedback do nothing about it Seniority overrides performance