INCON University Deauville 2007 Recruitment & Selection
Understanding the role Increasing success when selecting Staff engagement & orientation
Understanding the role Have an accurate job description in place Set you expectations – Living Job Description & KSA Understand the ‘day-to-day’ role
Accurate job description Review & update the job description each time you recruit Who should be involved in developing & updating JDs?
Set your expectations Develop a living job description KSA – knowledge/skills/attributes What are you willing to train?
Know the day to day role Talk to the incumbents Understand the regular tasks What are the positives & negatives
Increase success when selecting Tallest dwarf scenario Telephone screening & interviews Behavioural interview questions Skills evaluation & reference checking
Staff engagement & orientation Structured orientation plan (be prepared) Buddy system & welcome Involvement straight away
Discussion points Attracting the right candidates The challenge of the competitive job market Thinking outside the square Tailoring a role Support & back up staff
Attracting the right candidates Understand why people stay or leave Do you have a ‘role model’? Case study – Registration Department
Competitive job market Selling the role Selling the Company Never settle for the tallest dwarf
Thinking outside the square Can the role be restructured? Can the role be made more interesting?
Tailoring a role to a star Don’t lose a great candidate just because you don’t have the role right now Using the candidates skills in a new area or role Case study – Business Development
Support & back up staff Use of casual staff Interns & work experience Other options?
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