Data Management for the International Polar Year World Data Center for Glaciology, Boulder Facilitating the international exchange of snow and ice data Data Management for the International Polar Year “In the midst of the present IGY, with its vast ramifications, its flood of observations, messages, reports, etc. threatening to overwhelm the individual, the just proudness of this … progress is mingled with a sentimental nostalgia [for] IPY2 … IPY2 was like chamber-music compared to the symphony of the present IGY” Julious Bartels, Annals of the International Geophysical Year, Vol 1., p205 Mark A. Parsons Joint Committee for Antarctic Data Management Buennes Aries, Argentina 16 September 2005
Organization of IPY Data Management Data Policy & Management Subcommittee scientists data managers funding agencies IPY Joint Committee eGY Programme Office Data & Information Service Users From the IPY Framework document based on recommendations from JCADM, Clic, and the ICSU Priority Area Assessment on Sci Data and Info Note: Service not system--but still needs to be a portal Recommends and I’m generally assuming open and free access DIS is “conductor” that ensures all data components are coordinated and follow best practices eGY is intentionally off the screen to indicate links outside the system, notably to other I*Ys JCADM is in projects and organizations. NADCs are in data centers. Projects, Organizations Data Centers, Virtual Observatories, etc. Data Management for IPY; M.A. Parsons, JCADM, 16 September 2005
The Data Policy and Management Subcommittee Taco DeBruin and Mark Parsons to Co-Chair Role: Develop IPY data policy (draft already available) Design overall data strategy addressing physical samples, social science data, photographs, etc. as well as electronic scientific data Outline procedures for data organization, transmission, and archiving Next steps Receive Terms of Reference from JC and form full committee Establish an online meeting and potentially a face to face meeting at ICARP in Copenhagen in November Report to the JC at their November meeting in Geneva Note: Co-chair nominations officially endorsed by the JC but Tac may not yet have been formally informed. Data policy is essentially copied from WCRP CLIVAR (Climate Variability Project) Next steps are my vision only, not definite although Ian Allison, Co-chair of the JC, is supposed to provide ToR soon. Data Management for IPY; M.A. Parsons, JCADM, 16 September 2005
Data and Information Service Charged with implementing the strategy developed by the data committee Proposal (#49) strongly endorsed by the JC Led by WDC for Glaciology, Boulder in partnership with many other data centers and organizations JCADM is a partner (via Taco, several NADCs, and GCMD) Concept is a network of regional or discipline-specific “affinity centers”. Central DIS acts as a data portal, facilitator, and data management consulting service. Data Management for IPY; M.A. Parsons, JCADM, 16 September 2005
Data Management for IPY; M.A. Parsons, JCADM, 16 September 2005 IPY DIS Next Steps Funding! Planning proposal in at NSF Other proposals to NASA and foundations JC encouraging national and international support Some progress with partner funding Develop ties to major IPY projects Develop affinity centers and organizational structure and procedures IPY JC will likely determine flagship or lead IPY projects for major discipline areas and pole these could serve as the primary way for the DIS to connect with providers Emphasize JCADMs role in helping organize Timeline uncertain--depends on funding and action of the data committee Data Management for IPY; M.A. Parsons, JCADM, 16 September 2005
Data Management for IPY; M.A. Parsons, JCADM, 16 September 2005 Role for JCADM Review and comment on data policy Nominate further members of data committee Help develop Antarctic “affinity center(s)” Provide expertise to DIS on international organization based on AMD experience Arctic is less organized Issues of social science data, biological samples, etc. Metadata issues—may need to go beyond DIF Data committee needs scientists and funding agents not just data managers Perhaps JCADM is the Antarctic Affinity Center Mention ELOKA (Exchange for Local Observations and Knowledge in the Arctic), Shari’s effort to coordinate community based monitoring efforts. Data Management for IPY; M.A. Parsons, JCADM, 16 September 2005