Unit Title – The identity of Jesus Glossary page- List words and leave space for definitions- Page 92
4.1 Jesus is baptised State the meaning of the word baptism Why do you think Jesus was baptised Why is the baptism important for Mark How does the baptism cause problems for Christians today? What are the different points of view about the baptism?
4.1 Jesus is baptised Pages 94-95 Why do you think Jesus was baptised? What does the baptism tell us about Jesus’ identity? (8) Why is the account of the baptism important to Mark? (8) Why does this account cause problems for Christians today? (8) (bullet points)
Homework Activity 3,4,5 on page 95 for next lesson. You will need access to the internet. Follow the link below and enter the following code; 4271p www.heinemann.co.uk/hotlinks Then find 4.1 on the list.
Identity God says that Jesus is his Son Part of the Trinity Shows his human side Shows that he started his mission sinless
Important for Mark Shows he is the Son of God Shows he is the Messiah It fulfilled the prophecy- identity Prophecy- part of God’s plan It emphasised the central theme of Jesus’ mission- the forgiveness of sins
Problems for Christians Why did Jesus get baptised? – Son of God, Holy Spirit is part of the Trinity also, does not need to get filled with the Holy Spirit Was he sinless? When should we get baptised? Hard to believe- not clear who heard God Why did more people not believe?