Denominationalism By David Dann
Denominationalism The Bible says that there is only one religious body and one faith that is acceptable to God.
Denominationalism The Bible says that there is only one religious body and one faith that is acceptable to God. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:4-6).
Denominationalism The Bible says that there is only one religious body and one faith that is acceptable to God.
Denominationalism The Bible says that there is only one religious body and one faith that is acceptable to God. Yet, among those who claim to be Christians today there are thousands of different faiths and thousands of different kinds of churches.
Denominationalism The Bible says that there is only one religious body and one faith that is acceptable to God. Yet, among those who claim to be Christians today there are thousands of different faiths and thousands of different kinds of churches. These various religious bodies with their differing beliefs and practices are called, “Denominations.”
What Is Denominationalism?
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary).
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary). In a religious sense it is a religious group that is represented by a collection of local churches.
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary). In a religious sense it is a religious group that is represented by a collection of local churches. It is the dividing up of believers in Christ into different religious parties.
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary). In a religious sense it is a religious group that is represented by a collection of local churches. It is the dividing up of believers in Christ into different religious parties. Each group of churches has its own name.
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary). In a religious sense it is a religious group that is represented by a collection of local churches. It is the dividing up of believers in Christ into different religious parties. Each group of churches has its own name. Each follows its own creed or manual.
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary). In a religious sense it is a religious group that is represented by a collection of local churches. It is the dividing up of believers in Christ into different religious parties. Each group of churches has its own name. Each follows its own creed or manual. Each has its own organizational structure.
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary). In a religious sense it is a religious group that is represented by a collection of local churches. It is the dividing up of believers in Christ into different religious parties. Each group of churches has its own name. Each follows its own creed or manual. Each has its own organizational structure. Each has its own terms of membership.
What Is Denominationalism? A denomination is defined as “a class, or society of individuals called by the same name; a sect” (Webster’s Dictionary). In a religious sense it is a religious group that is represented by a collection of local churches. It is the dividing up of believers in Christ into different religious parties. Each group of churches has its own name. Each follows its own creed or manual. Each has its own organizational structure. Each has its own terms of membership. Each group considers itself to be right.
What Is Denominationalism?
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are very tolerant of other denominations.
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are very tolerant of other denominations. They view all the various denominational groups as part of the one body of Christ.
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are very tolerant of other denominations. They view all the various denominational groups as part of the one body of Christ. They say that all the various denominations can have unity with one another and tolerate one another even though they all teach and practice different things.
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are very tolerant of other denominations. They view all the various denominational groups as part of the one body of Christ. They say that all the various denominations can have unity with one another and tolerate one another even though they all teach and practice different things. This is the “ecumenical” idea – you can just join the church of your choice because one is as good as another.
What Is Denominationalism?
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are not tolerant of others.
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are not tolerant of others. They view their own group as the only true church.
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are not tolerant of others. They view their own group as the only true church. They view other denominations as false churches.
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are not tolerant of others. They view their own group as the only true church. They view other denominations as false churches. They also deny that anyone can be saved outside of their own organization.
What Is Denominationalism? Some denominations are not tolerant of others. They view their own group as the only true church. They view other denominations as false churches. They also deny that anyone can be saved outside of their own organization. This is the traditional view of the Roman Catholic Church, the Jehovah’s Witness organization and others.
What Is Denominationalism?
What Is Denominationalism? Some questions about denominationalism:
What Is Denominationalism? Some questions about denominationalism: If one denomination is right, then can all the others be right too, even though they don’t teach and practice the same things as far as what is necessary in order to be saved?
What Is Denominationalism? Some questions about denominationalism: If one denomination is right, then can all the others be right too, even though they don’t teach and practice the same things as far as what is necessary in order to be saved? Can all of them can be wrong?
What Is Denominationalism? Some questions about denominationalism: If one denomination is right, then can all the others be right too, even though they don’t teach and practice the same things as far as what is necessary in order to be saved? Can all of them can be wrong? How can we determine who is right or wrong?
What Is Denominationalism? Some questions about denominationalism: If one denomination is right, then can all the others be right too, even though they don’t teach and practice the same things as far as what is necessary in order to be saved? Can all of them can be wrong? How can we determine who is right or wrong? Why are there so many different kinds of churches and different faiths when the Bible says there should only be one (Eph. 4:4-6)?
Church History
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18).
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. “Then those who gladly received his word were baptized; and that day about three thousand souls were added to them. And they continued steadfastly in the apostles' doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers…And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:41-42, 47).
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2.
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem.
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem. As the gospel spread, local churches began in cities everywhere.
“…the church that was at Antioch…” Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem. As the gospel spread, local churches began in cities everywhere. “…the church that was at Antioch…” (Acts 13:1).
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem. As the gospel spread, local churches began in cities everywhere.
“…the church in Cenchrea…” Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem. As the gospel spread, local churches began in cities everywhere. “…the church in Cenchrea…” (Romans 16:1).
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem. As the gospel spread, local churches began in cities everywhere.
“…the churches of Galatia…” Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem. As the gospel spread, local churches began in cities everywhere. “…the churches of Galatia…” (Galatians 1:2).
Church History Before he died, Jesus said he would build his church (Matt. 16:18). After the resurrection of Christ, the apostles preached salvation through the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus for the first time on the day of Pentecost in Acts 2. The church began at that time in Jerusalem. As the gospel spread, local churches began in cities everywhere.
Church History
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth.
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth. “For I know this, that after my departure savage wolves will come in among you, not sparing the flock. Also from among yourselves men will rise up, speaking perverse things, to draw away the disciples after themselves” (Acts 20:29-30).
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth.
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth. “Preach the word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all longsuffering and teaching. For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine, but according to their own desires, because they have itching ears, they will heap up for themselves teachers; and they will turn their ears away from the truth, and be turned aside to fables” (2 Timothy 4:2-4).
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth.
those who believe and know the truth” Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth. “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to deceiving spirits and doctrines of demons, speaking lies in hypocrisy, having their own conscience seared with a hot iron, forbidding to marry, and commanding to abstain from foods which God created to be received with thanksgiving by those who believe and know the truth” (1 Timothy 4:1-3).
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth.
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth. Some within the body of Christ would begin teaching and practicing false doctrines and lead others into error.
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth. Some within the body of Christ would begin teaching and practicing false doctrines and lead others into error. They would “depart from the faith,” yet they would continue to assemble and worship in a corrupted manner.
Church History The apostles warned that there would be an apostasy, or falling away from the truth. Some within the body of Christ would begin teaching and practicing false doctrines and lead others into error. They would “depart from the faith,” yet they would continue to assemble and worship in a corrupted manner. This apostasy came shortly after the time of the apostles.
Roman Catholicism
Roman Catholicism Just as the apostles had warned, the apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30).
Roman Catholicism Just as the apostles had warned, the apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Some churches elevated one elder over the others and referred to him as the “bishop” of the church.
Roman Catholicism Just as the apostles had warned, the apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Some churches elevated one elder over the others and referred to him as the “bishop” of the church. Before long, one bishop was placed over all the churches of a city or region.
Roman Catholicism Just as the apostles had warned, the apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30).
Roman Catholicism Just as the apostles had warned, the apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). The Roman Emperor, Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D.
Roman Catholicism Just as the apostles had warned, the apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). The Roman Emperor, Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. The purpose of the council was to come to agreement on certain doctrinal matters.
Roman Catholicism Just as the apostles had warned, the apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). The Roman Emperor, Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. The purpose of the council was to come to agreement on certain doctrinal matters. The council agreed on a number of points that they established as the “Nicene Creed.”
Roman Catholicism The apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D.
Roman Catholicism The apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. The rise of the Pope.
Roman Catholicism The apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. The rise of the Pope. Some bishops began referring to themselves as “Pope” or “Father” (see Matthew 23:9).
Roman Catholicism The apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. The rise of the Pope. Some bishops began referring to themselves as “Pope” or “Father” (see Matthew 23:9). In 606 A.D. Boniface III of Rome was given the titles of “Universal Bishop” & “Head of the Church.”
Roman Catholicism The apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. The rise of the Pope.
Roman Catholicism The apostasy began with corruption of the elders of local churches (Acts 20:29-30). Constantine, called these bishops together for the Nicean Council in 325 A.D. The rise of the Pope. Many unscriptural doctrines and practices were added.
The Falling Away
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.) Celibacy for priests (1123 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.) Celibacy for priests (1123 A.D.) Sale of Indulgences (1190 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.) Celibacy for priests (1123 A.D.) Sale of Indulgences (1190 A.D.) Confession of sin to priests (1215 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.) Celibacy for priests (1123 A.D.) Sale of Indulgences (1190 A.D.) Confession of sin to priests (1215 A.D.) Sprinkling (1311 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.) Celibacy for priests (1123 A.D.) Sale of Indulgences (1190 A.D.) Confession of sin to priests (1215 A.D.) Sprinkling (1311 A.D.) Purgatory (1438 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.) Celibacy for priests (1123 A.D.) Sale of Indulgences (1190 A.D.) Confession of sin to priests (1215 A.D.) Sprinkling (1311 A.D.) Purgatory (1438 A.D.) Church traditions made equal to Bible (1545 A.D.)
The Falling Away Inherited Sin (400 A.D.) Infant Baptism (400 A.D.) Worship of Mary (431 A.D.) Instrumental Music in worship (666 A.D.) Adoration of Saints, Images, Relics (788 A.D.) Meat restrictions, Lent, Good Friday (998 A.D.) Holy Water (1009 A.D.) Rosary Beads (1090 A.D.) Celibacy for priests (1123 A.D.) Sale of Indulgences (1190 A.D.) Confession of sin to priests (1215 A.D.) Sprinkling (1311 A.D.) Purgatory (1438 A.D.) Church traditions made equal to Bible (1545 A.D.) Infallibility of the Pope (1870 A.D.)
Roman Catholicism
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world.
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world. In 1076 A.D. Pope Gregory VII excommunicated the German king Henry IV.
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world. In 1076 A.D. Pope Gregory VII excommunicated the German king Henry IV. In order to retain his position as king, Henry had to submit to the Pope.
Roman Catholicism “Faced with the danger of losing his throne and humiliation within his own realm…Henry capitulated and, with his wife and his baby son, crossed the Alps in the winter of 1077 to meet Gregory at Canossa. It was a difficult journey; and when Henry finally reached Canossa, Gregory let him stand barefoot in the snow outside the gates of the palace on three successive days before he would admit him to his presence. He then released him from his sentence of excommunication” (Earle E. Cairns, Christianity Through The Centuries, pp. 212-213). The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world. In 1076 A.D. Pope Gregory VII excommunicated the German king Henry IV. In order to retain his position as king, Henry had to submit to the Pope.
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world.
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world. The Catholic Church perverted the doctrine of Christ for monetary gain.
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world. The Catholic Church perverted the doctrine of Christ for monetary gain. In order to raise money, a monk named Johann Tetzel was commissioned to sell “indulgences” in the 1500’s.
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world. The Catholic Church perverted the doctrine of Christ for monetary gain. In order to raise money, a monk named Johann Tetzel was commissioned to sell “indulgences” in the 1500’s. Indulgences were documents that, if purchased, would free a person from the penalty of sin.
Roman Catholicism The Catholic Church became the political authority over much of the world. The Catholic Church perverted the doctrine of Christ for monetary gain. In order to raise money, a monk named Johann Tetzel was commissioned to sell “indulgences” in the 1500’s. Indulgences were documents that, if purchased, would free a person from the penalty of sin. Martin Luther, a Catholic priest, opposed this.
Protestant Reformation
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church. He rejected some Catholic doctrines and taught that man is saved by faith in Christ alone, and formed his own catechism (creed book).
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church. He rejected some Catholic doctrines and taught that man is saved by faith in Christ alone, and formed his own catechism (creed book). He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1530.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church. He rejected some Catholic doctrines and taught that man is saved by faith in Christ alone, and formed his own catechism (creed book). He was excommunicated from the Catholic Church in 1530. After his death his followers created the Lutheran Church.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church. Others broke away from Rome at this time.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church. Others broke away from Rome at this time. King Henry VIII of England wanted to divorce his wife and marry another woman, but the Pope would not grant the divorce, so Henry had parliament make him head of the Church of England in 1534.
Protestant Reformation Martin Luther tried to reform (correct) the abuses of the Catholic Church. Others broke away from Rome at this time. King Henry VIII of England wanted to divorce his wife and marry another woman, but the Pope would not grant the divorce, so Henry had parliament make him head of the Church of England in 1534. The work of John Calvin and John Knox led to the formation of the Presbyterian Church in 1536.
More Denominations Began
More Denominations Began Some in the Church of England felt the need for more independence, so they started the Congregational Church in 1608.
More Denominations Began Some in the Church of England felt the need for more independence, so they started the Congregational Church in 1608 John Smythe felt baptism (immersion) was neglected in the Church of England, so he formed the Baptist Church in 1611.
More Denominations Began Some in the Church of England felt the need for more independence, so they started the Congregational Church in 1608 John Smythe felt baptism (immersion) was neglected in the Church of England, so he formed the Baptist Church in 1611. John Wesley believed personal holiness was lacking in the Church of England, so he formed the Methodist Church in 1729.
More Denominations Began Some in the Church of England felt the need for more independence, so they started the Congregational Church in 1608 John Smythe felt baptism (immersion) was neglected in the Church of England, so he formed the Baptist Church in 1611. John Wesley believed personal holiness was lacking in the Church of England, so he formed the Methodist Church in 1729. In New York, Joseph Smith rejected all denominations and created his own religion in 1830 called “Mormonism.”
More Denominations Began
More Denominations Began Also in America, some decided the Sabbath day was being neglected, so Ellen G. White formed the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in 1844.
More Denominations Began Also in America, some decided the Sabbath day was being neglected, so Ellen G. White formed the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in 1844. Charles T. Russell organized his own group in 1870 and by 1931 they became known as the “Jehovah’s Witnesses.”
More Denominations Began Also in America, some decided the Sabbath day was being neglected, so Ellen G. White formed the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in 1844. Charles T. Russell organized his own group in 1870 and by 1931 they became known as the “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Around 1900 some believed there should still be miraculous gifts today, so many charismatic Pentecostal groups were formed.
More Denominations Began Also in America, some decided the Sabbath day was being neglected, so Ellen G. White formed the Seventh-Day Adventist Church in 1844. Charles T. Russell organized his own group in 1870 and by 1931 they became known as the “Jehovah’s Witnesses.” Around 1900 some believed there should still be miraculous gifts today, so many charismatic Pentecostal groups were formed. The list goes on and on.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism?
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Denominationalism is the dividing of believers into religious parties.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Denominationalism is the dividing of believers into religious parties. The Bible condemns this kind of division.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Denominationalism is the dividing of believers into religious parties. The Bible condemns this kind of division. “For it has been declared to me concerning you, my brethren, by those of Chloe's household, that there are contentions among you. Now I say this, that each of you says, ‘I am of Paul,’ or ‘I am of Apollos,’ or ‘I am of Cephas,’ or ‘I am of Christ.’ Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Or were you baptized in the name of Paul?” (1 Corinthians 1:11-13).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Denominationalism is the dividing of believers into religious parties. The Bible condemns this kind of division.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Denominationalism is the dividing of believers into religious parties. The Bible condemns this kind of division. “I, therefore, the prisoner of the Lord, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with longsuffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace” (Ephesians 4:1-3).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible?
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible? The church belongs to Christ!
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible? The church belongs to Christ! “And He is the head of the body, the church, who is the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in all things He may have the preeminence” (Colossians 1:18).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible? The church belongs to Christ!
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible? The church belongs to Christ! “The churches of Christ greet you” (Romans 16:16).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible? The church belongs to Christ!
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible? The church belongs to Christ! “And the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch” (Acts 11:26).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Did the names: Roman Catholic, Lutheran, Methodist, Pentecostal, Mormon, etc. come from the Bible? The church belongs to Christ!
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. These are official statements of what the group considers essential in order to belong to that particular denomination.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. These are official statements of what the group considers essential in order to belong to that particular denomination. All denominations claim that their creeds are simply based on Scripture.
Do We Need Creeds?
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little.
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much.
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much. If these creeds are exactly the same as what the Bible says, then we don’t need them because we already have the Bible.
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much. If these creeds are exactly the same as what the Bible says, then we don’t need them because we already have the Bible. Creeds simply serve the purpose of dividing people up into different groups.
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much. If these creeds are exactly the same as what the Bible says, then we don’t need them because we already have the Bible. Creeds simply serve the purpose of dividing people up into different groups. We should follow the gospel, not man-made creeds!
truth shall make you free’” (John 8:31-32). Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much. If these creeds are exactly the same as what the Bible says, then we don’t need them because we already have the Bible. Creeds simply serve the purpose of dividing people up into different groups. We should follow the gospel, not man-made creeds! “Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, ‘If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free’” (John 8:31-32).
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much. If these creeds are exactly the same as what the Bible says, then we don’t need them because we already have the Bible. Creeds simply serve the purpose of dividing people up into different groups. We should follow the gospel, not man-made creeds!
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much. If these creeds are exactly the same as what the Bible says, then we don’t need them because we already have the Bible. Creeds simply serve the purpose of dividing people up into different groups. We should follow the gospel, not man-made creeds! “He who rejects Me, and does not receive My words, has that which judges him -- the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day” (John 12:48).
Do We Need Creeds? If they contain less than what the Bible says, then they contain too little. If they contain more than what the Bible says, then they contain too much. If these creeds are exactly the same as what the Bible says, then we don’t need them because we already have the Bible. Creeds simply serve the purpose of dividing people up into different groups. We should follow the gospel, not man-made creeds!
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church. “He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned” (Mark 16:16).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church. “And the Lord added to the church daily those who were being saved” (Acts 2:47).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church. “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church. But denominations add infant baptism & later confirmation, voting, probation periods for new members, and membership ceremonies.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church. But denominations add infant baptism & later confirmation, voting, probation periods for new members, and membership ceremonies. “Each new member must be admitted by the voluntary consent and approval of those already members, usually expressed by a formal vote” (Baptist Handbook).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church. But denominations add infant baptism & later confirmation, voting, probation periods for new members, and membership ceremonies.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. When one obeys the gospel he is saved and added to Christ’s church, and he then has a responsibility to assemble with a local church. But denominations add infant baptism & later confirmation, voting, probation periods for new members, and membership ceremonies. “Let great care be taken in receiving new persons. Let no one be admitted into full membership in the church until such a person has been at least six months Probation and has been recommended by the leaders” (Methodist Discipline).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. The largest functioning body of Christians in the New Testament is the local church in a given area.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. The largest functioning body of Christians in the New Testament is the local church in a given area. “Paul and Timothy, bondservants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus who are in Philippi, with the bishops and deacons” (Philippians 1:1).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. The largest functioning body of Christians in the New Testament is the local church in a given area.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. The largest functioning body of Christians in the New Testament is the local church in a given area. But denominations have a different structure.
Denominational Church Structure Pope U.S.A. Canada N.Y. Miami Toronto Ottawa
Denominational Church Structure Pope World Headquarters U.S.A. Canada N.Y. Miami Toronto Ottawa
Denominational Church Structure Pope World Headquarters National Headquarters U.S.A. Canada N.Y. Miami Toronto Ottawa
Denominational Church Structure Pope World Headquarters National Headquarters U.S.A. Canada Local Church N.Y. Miami Toronto Ottawa
Denominational Church Structure *Substitute conferences, synods, committees, legislative councils, governing bodies, or head churches in place of Pope. Pope World Headquarters National Headquarters U.S.A. Canada Local Church N.Y. Miami Toronto Ottawa
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. Man-made doctrines and practices.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible?
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.”
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership. Inherited sin.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership. Inherited sin. Once saved, always saved.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership. Inherited sin. Once saved, always saved. Salvation by faith alone.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership. Inherited sin. Once saved, always saved. Salvation by faith alone. Worship of Mary.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership. Inherited sin. Once saved, always saved. Salvation by faith alone. Worship of Mary. Denial of the Deity of Christ.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership. Inherited sin. Once saved, always saved. Salvation by faith alone. Worship of Mary. Denial of the Deity of Christ. Direct operation of the Holy Spirit.
Can We Find Approval For These Things In The Bible? Social, recreational, and political programs. Instrumental music in worship. Female preachers. Titles like “Reverend,” and “Father.” Tithing. Infant baptism. Sprinkling or pouring for baptism. Accepting people who are openly sinning into membership. Inherited sin. Once saved, always saved. Salvation by faith alone. Worship of Mary. Denial of the Deity of Christ. Direct operation of the Holy Spirit. Modern so-called “miraculous” gifts.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. Man-made doctrines and practices.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. Man-made doctrines and practices. It results in worthless worship.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. Man-made doctrines and practices. It results in worthless worship. “Hypocrites! Well did Isaiah prophesy about you, saying: ‘These people draw near to Me with their mouth, and honor Me with their lips, but their heart is far from Me. And in vain they worship Me, teaching as doctrines the commandments of men’” (Matthew 15:7-9).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. Man-made doctrines and practices. It results in worthless worship.
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. Man-made doctrines and practices. It results in worthless worship. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’” (Matthew 7:21-23).
What’s Wrong With Denominationalism? It is condemned by God. Man-made names for the church. Man-made creeds and church manuals. Man-made membership requirements. Man-made organizational structures. Man-made doctrines and practices. It results in worthless worship.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism?
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible!
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! We cannot have a relationship with God if we go beyond the doctrine of Christ.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! We cannot have a relationship with God if we go beyond the doctrine of Christ. “Whoever transgresses and does not abide in the doctrine of Christ does not have God. He who abides in the doctrine of Christ has both the Father and the Son” (2 John 9).
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! We cannot have a relationship with God if we go beyond the doctrine of Christ.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! We cannot have a relationship with God if we go beyond the doctrine of Christ. “Now these things, brethren, I have figuratively transferred to myself and Apollos for your sakes, that you may learn in us not to think beyond what is written, that none of you may be puffed up on behalf of one against the other” (1 Corinthians 4:6).
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! We cannot have a relationship with God if we go beyond the doctrine of Christ.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! We cannot have a relationship with God if we go beyond the doctrine of Christ. We must reject all man-made doctrines, religious groups, and practices.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible!
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ!
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. “Now the multitude of those who believed were of one heart and one soul…” (Acts 4:32).
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity?
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers” (Acts 2:42).
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity?
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? Christ expects his followers to have unity today.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? Christ expects his followers to have unity today. “I do not pray for these alone, but also for those who will believe in Me through their word; that they all may be one, as You, Father, are in Me, and I in You; that they also may be one in Us, that the world may believe that You sent Me” (John 17:20-21).
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? Christ expects his followers to have unity today.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? Christ expects his followers to have unity today. “Now I plead with you, brethren, by the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that you all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among you, but that you be perfectly joined together in the same mind and in the same judgment” (1 Corinthians 1:10).
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? Christ expects his followers to have unity today.
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? Christ expects his followers to have unity today. “There is one body and one Spirit, just as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism; one God and Father of all, who is above all, and through all, and in you all” (Ephesians 4:4-6).
What’s The Solution To The Problem Of Denominationalism? Get back to the Bible! Have unity based on following the gospel of Christ! The first followers of Christ had unity. Why did they have unity? Christ expects his followers to have unity today.
Denominationalism is NOT from heaven!!!