Class Finder for Android Justin Meidinger Jed Storie Erin Sanders
What is it Navigate the UW campus New students Visitors People unfamiliar with campus Building to building Classroom to classroom
Android In general Open source Popular platform Personally Common interest Looking to expand knowledge base Marketable skill Java/XML
How it works User Select appropriate button Select source and destination from drop down list Select the button Returns a map with a highlighted path from start to finish Text directions Ability to navigate between floors Back button for new destination
How it Works Code Passed the source and destination from the UI Dijkstra’s shortest paths algorithm Data Points and edges Drawing between points
Algorithm Pick closest unknown vertex Add to list of know vertices Update distances
dATA Stored data points in a vector Determined coordinates of the point Naming conventions Added edges between connecting points 326 points 800 edges
Android functionality & DRAWING Our Dijkstra’s Shortest Paths Algorithm outputs a list of vertices that denote the path Each vertex has coordinate information stored in it Drawn on android’s “canvas” Implements scrolling and zooming using a gesture detector
Android functionality & DRAWING Our Dijkstra’s Algorithm outputs a list of vertices that denote the path Each vertex has coordinate information stored in it Drawn on android’s “canvas” Implements scrolling and zooming using a gesture detector
Future Implementations All buildings Extended Campus Virtual Tour Publishing
references Dijkstra’s Algorithm Android Development Android Development