Welcome! Please fill out a note card: Your student’s name and class period Your name(s) What can you tell me about your student tonight that might take me awhile to find out on my own? Are you available to chaperone fieldtrips and/or help out in the classroom?
My Contact Information Maggie Raczek mraczek@pps.net 503-493-2358 (before 9 pm please)
Urban Gardening and Sustainable Agriculture Third year lab science course Syllabus
Semester 1 Topics Pests in the Garden Our Food System Plant Reproduction Winterizing the Garden Soil Nutrients Soil and the Environment Feeding the World
Semester 2 Topics GMOs Spring Planting Water Plant Families Climate Change Designing a Garden
Urban Gardening and Sustainable Agriculture Syllabus Lab Science Homework Expectations Grading System
Student Supports Website with calendar of daily agenda and assignments can be found at: http://www.pps.net/Page/7662 Point sheet
Point Sheet
Student Supports Website with calendar of daily agenda and assignments can be found at: http://www.pps.net/Page/7662 Point sheet Test Corrections
Student Supports Website with calendar of daily agenda and assignments can be found at: http://www.pps.net/Page/7662 Point sheet Test Corrections Flex
Student Supports Website with calendar of daily agenda and assignments can be found at: http://www.pps.net/Page/7662 Point sheet Test Corrections Flex Extra Credit Opportunities
Helping your student find success in Gardening Attend class regularly & participate Make and use flash cards Study in small increments more often Use flex Ask questions!
A couple more things… Science lab donations SPARK lecture speakers
Thanks for coming! Let’s keep in touch!