334 05-30-11 CHN Congregations 23 Level 4 166 Level 3 48 Level 2 469 trained liaisons 10,848 members registered 523 persons in ‘Visitation Training’ 133 persons in the ‘Care for the Dying’ training 78 persons in the ‘Mental Health First Aid’ training 172 persons in ‘Aftercare’ (Hands-On Caregiving) Training 334 05-30-11
CHN Early Outcome Data (NOT a Research Project per se) Initial Data from first 25 months of build- out and operation of CHN: Nov. 2007-Nov. 2009 Comparison of 473 CHN Members who came into MLH to controls who also were patients (matched on age, gender, ethnicity) in this timeframe Gross Hypothesis: CHN=social intervention; CHN and non-CHN receive standard care in hospital, CHN caregiving outside impacts outcomes in the hospital
Congregational Health Network:Outcome Measures Impact measured in hospital from Electronic Medical Record (compare CHN vs. non-CHN patient on disease care piece of “health journey”) Decreased recidivism (return within 30 days) Decreased total costs Decreased mortality rate Decreased # entering through ED 3
CHN Outcome Data: 25 Months CHN Matched Controls* N=473 473 Mean Age: 60 58 Gender: Female 304 304 Male 169 169 Ethnicity: African American 419 358 European American 54 115 *Matched on age, ethnicity and gender, DRG
CHN Outcome Data