Elijah: CALLING DOWN THE POWERS OF HEAVEN The last time you had to defend the church? 1 Kings 18:17-18 Who met whom? 1 Kings 18:21 What great question was posed? 1 Kings 18:22-28 What challenge was issued? 1 Kings 18:33-35 What was the outcome? 1 Kings 18:38-40 What was the aftermath? What truth can Elijah’s words teach us about what the Lord allows us to do? Why did Elijah pour so much water on the sacrifice and altar? “You are responsible for the choices you make. While you are free to choose your course of action, you are not free to choose the consequences. Whether for good or bad, consequences follow as a natural result of the choices you make” (For the Strength of Youth[booklet, 2011], 2) Elder Holland tells the story
Elijah: CALLING DOWN THE POWERS OF HEAVEN Remembered and Nourished by the Good Word of God Elder Jeffrey R. Holland Sep 26, 1976 12min https://speeches.byu.edu/talks/jeffrey-r-holland_remembered-nourished-good-word-god/
jezebel Jezebel was a princess and the wife of Ahab, king of northern Israel. She incited her husband King Ahab to abandon the worship of God and encourage worship of Baal and Asherah instead. Jezebel persecuted the prophets. For her transgressions against the God and people of Israel, Jezebel met a gruesome death - thrown out of a window by members of her own court and the flesh of her corpse eaten by stray dogs. On a side note, her dressing in fine clothing and putting on makeup led to the association of cosmetics with "painted women" or prostitutes.
Elijah: CALLING DOWN THE POWERS OF HEAVEN 1 Kings 19:1–2 How did Jezebel respond to what Ahab told her? 1 Kings 19:3-8 Notice that anxiety and depression are real 1 Kings 19:11-12 What can we learn from this account about how the Lord will communicate with us? What can prevent us from hearing the still, small voice of the Spirit? • When have you felt the still, small voice of the Spirit speak to you? How was that experience a blessing to you? WRITE: What can I do to better listen to and follow the still, small voice of the Spirit? Be sure to Cross-Reference D&C 6:23, 1 Ne. 17:45 How can we call down the powers of heaven? D&C 121:34-38. Mormon Message “Sanctify Yourselves”
1 Kings 18-22: Principles of application The Lord allows us to choose whether we will follow Him or the false gods and unrighteous ways of the world. The Lord’s power is greater than the power of men, The Lord can help us know that He is the true God. The Lord often speaks to us through the still, small voice of the Spirit