Catherine Senior WGCM-19, October 19th 2015 UK modelling for CMIP6 Catherine Senior WGCM-19, October 19th 2015 © Crown copyright Met Office
UKESM1 components OASIS3-MCT Physical Model: HadGEM3-GC3 New ocean and sea-ice models (NEMO, CICE, Hewitt et al, 2011) Enhanced vertical resolution: L85 ENDGame dynamical core (Wood et al 2014) PC2 cloud scheme (Wilson at al, 2008) Chemistry/Aerosols UKCA full stratosphere– troposphere chemistry + GLOMAP-mode aerosols * Simplified version of UKCA chemistry also available employing offline oxidants and full tropospheric sulphur cycle (full UKCA ~4.5 times UM cost, simplified scheme ~1.7 times UM) Soil-Vegetation coupled Carbon-Nitrogen cycle JULES+TRIFFID (dynamic vegetation) + soil/veg carbon-nitrogen + wetlands + diagnostic wildfires+ some permafrost improvements Ocean Biogeochemistry MEDUSA2 within NEMO ocean model. Interactive Land ice sheets (Greenland and Antarctic) BISICLES and ice shelf basal and cavity melt within NEMO-ORCA. Coupler OASIS3-MCT UKESM1 Atmospheric GCM: Unified Model Chemistry, aerosols and tracer transport: UKCA-GLOMAP mode Land Physics and hydrology JULES-CN Land biogeochemistry and dynamic vegetation: JULES-CN and TRIFFID Sea Ice: CICE Coupler: OASIS3 (MCT) Ocean biogeochemistry MEDUSA-2 Physical Ocean GCM: ORCA Land Ice: BISICLES
Model configurations Physical model configurations HadGEM3-GC3-N96ORCA025 HadGEM3-GC3-N216ORCA025 Earth system model configurations: built on HadGEM3-GC3 UKESM1.0-N96ORCA1 UKESM1.0-N216ORCA025hybrid degraded resolution atm chemistry & ocean BGC
UK engagement in CMIP6 (mid 2016-2020) CMIP ‘DECK’ & Historical MIPs to be run at MOHC ScenarioMIP* DCPP (decadal predictions) CFMIP (cloud feedbacks) C4MIP (carbon cycle)* HighResMIP (high res global models) DAMIP (detection and attribution) AerchemMIP (aerosols & chemistry)* LUMIP (Land use) RFMIP (Radiative forcing) GEOMIP (Geo-engineering) LS3MIP (Land Surface) and data provision for ISIMIP/CORDEX/VIAAB * Potentially share some runs with UK academic community, Korea, NZ UK Academic Community will contribute simulations using UKESM1/HadGEM3 OMIP/OCMIP (Oceans and biogeochemistry) ISMIP (Ice sheets) FAFMIP (Flux anomaly forced) PMIP (Palaeo) GMMIP (Global Monsoons) VolMIP (Volcanoes)
MIP experiments HadGEM3-GC3-N96ORCA025 CFMIP, FAFMIP, RFMIP, DAMIP DCPP, GMMIP, HighResMIP, OMIP (physics) UKESM1.0-N96ORCA1 AerChemMIP, C4MIP, GEOMIP, ISMIP6, LUMIP, OMIP (physics + BGC), ScenarioMIP, VolMIP, PMIP UKESM1.0-N216ORCA025hybrid AerChemMIP, C4MIP, ISMIP, OMIP (physics + BGC), ScenarioMIP (repeat key expts)
Schematic outline of proposed senior UM – Junior UM for reduced resolution UKCA-GLOMAP : prototype UKESM1-hybrid u, v, w, θvd, η, ρr,π, mx Chemistry and aerosols JULES JULES Have an extra executable (junior UM with UKCA) so model should scale better
ISMIP6 Repeat key CMIP-DECK UKESM1-hybrid C4MIP, OMIP, AerchemMIP, LUMIP: UKESM1-LR CFMIP, FAFMIP, RFMIP, DAMIP: HadGEM3-GC3 N96 HighResMIP, DCPP: HadGEM3-GC3 N216 Repeat key C4MIP, AerchemMIP, LUMIP, ISMIP6 with UKESM1-hybrid CMIP6 Historical UKESM1-LR HadGEM3-GC3 N216/N96 ISMIP6 UKESM1-LR Repeat key ScenarioMIP UKESM1-hybrid CMIP-DECK UKESM1-LR HadGEM3-GC3 N216/N96 ScenarioMIP UKESM1-LR Oct 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 CMIP-DECK UKESM1-hybrid CMIP6 Historical UKESM1-hybrid Part of CMIP-DECK and historical runs using UKESM1-HR Likely not full period runs hence not submitted to ESGF GEOMIP, VolMIP and PMIP planned with UKESM1 – timings to be decided
Plan for CMIP6 : Climate Models Two coupled models for CMIP6 experiments K-ACE First attempt of contribution to CMIP (but, still AOGCM) DECK simulation : understanding of model behavior HIST and ScenarioMIP simulation : potential for assessment UKESM1 Assessment of climate change over the East Asian region Basis to produce National Climate Change Scenario Understanding of climate change Historical runs, ScenarioMIP, AerChemMIP, C4MIP, etc. Increase ensembles, different resolution, different configuration